Mrs. F B Kh Daily Routines
What do you do everyday?
Learn about Karim’ s daily activities
Everyday, I get up at half past six.
I take a shower at a quarter to seven.
I put on my clothes at seven Put on clothes I put on my clothes at seven o’ clock.
I have breakfast at ten past seven.
I brush my teeth at twenty five past seven.
I go to school at twenty five to eight.
School starts at eight o’clock. There, I study my lectures.
I have lunch at a quarter past twelve.
I finish school and go back home at half past four. Finish school/ go home I finish school and go back home at half past four.
I play video games from five o’clock to six o’clock.
I revise my lessons and do my home work from ten past six to a qaurter to eight.
I eat my dinner at eight o’clock. Eat dinner I eat my dinner at eight o’clock.
I watch TV from nine o’clock to ten o’clock.
I go to bed at half past ten.
Have a good night sleep!