Usage of ICT in the College Libraries of Assam: An Analytical Study By Prafulla Kumar Mahanta Librarian, Digboi College, Digboi, Tinsukia, Assam & Dr. Drubajit Das Librarian, S.B. Deorah College, Guwahati, Assam NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
Introduction The application of ICT in academic libraries of Assam have been improving day by day due to the financial assistance of Rashtriya Uchattar Siksha Abhijan (RUSA), UGC, INFLIBNET, concern state government and the local enterprises. It is very essential to make a study on the usages of ICT in the college libraries of Assam. Based on Shodhganga, Google search and other searching techniques, no systematic studies have been found on the usage of ICT in the college libraries of Assam. The study will helps to identify the library services performed by ICT devices, ICT infrastructure, extent of use of ICT in the college libraries, barriers for implementing ICTs, ICT based services extended to the users and impact of ICT on the users in the College libraries of Assam. NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
AIM AND OBJECTIVES To identify the library services that are performed by using ICT devices in the college libraries of Assam; To identify the ICT infrastructure and extent of use in the college libraries of Assam; To identify the barriers to implement ICTs in the college libraries of Assam; To find out the ICT based services extended to the users in the college libraries of Assam; and To find out the impact of ICT on the users in the College libraries of Assam. NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY There have been 295 provincialised colleges and 05 government colleges in Assam. The 189 colleges out of 295 are provincialised before 2012. The provincialised colleges of Assam which are provincialised before 2012 are included in the present study. Technical, Medical, Management, Law and special subject or other colleges related to professional are excluded in the current study. NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The questionnaire method has been used to collect the raw data from the college libraries in Assam. The purpose of the questionnaire for librarian is to get data regarding the application of ICT in the college libraries of Assam. The second questionnaire is for the library users to gather data to know the use of ICT in the college libraries of Assam. Random sampling method has been used to collect the data from the users. The questionnaires have distributed to 189 Colleges where 100 colleges have responded and fill up the questionnaire. The percentage of response rate is 52.9%. Again, user study has conducted among the college students of Assam. The survey has conducted among 100 students of different college where the facilities of library automation and institutional repositories have existed. The user questionnaire has distributed through the librarian of the concern colleges. NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
ANALYSIS ANS INTERPTRETATION OF DATA Objective 1: To identify the library services that are performed by using ICT devices in the college libraries of Assam Table 2 Library services performed by using ICT devices S.No ICT based library services Responses(n=100) Percentage 1 Online Database Services 57 57.0% 2 Electronic Database 64 64.0% 3 Institutional repository 38 38.0% 4 Document Delivery service 25 25.0% 5 Internet Service 95 95.0% 6 OPAC 86 86.0% 7 CD-ROM 70 70.0% 8 Scanning facility 75 75.0% 9 Printing facility 79 79.0% 10 Photocopy service 96 96.0% 11 Desktop facility 90 90.0% NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
Objective 2:To identify the ICT infrastructure and extent of use in the college libraries of Assam Hardware facility and Software facilities Table 3 Hardware facility in the library S.No Devices Responses(n=100) Percentage 1 Server 92 92.0% 2 Desktop 100 100.0% 3 Printer 94 94.0% 4 Scanner for general purposes 85 85.0% 5 Scanner for digitization 31 31.0% 6 Barcode scanner 74 74.0% 7 Barcode Printer 75 75.0% 8 Backup devices 62 62.0% 9 Projector 10 Identity card printer 22 22.0% 11 CCTV 95 95.0% 12 Photocopy machine 13 Telephone 54 54.0% Table 4 Software facility in the library S.No Software Responses(n=100) Percentage 1 Library Management Software 99 99.0% 2 Digital Library software 56 56.0% 3 Anti-virus 91 91.0% NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
Availability of ICT based technologies in surveyed libraries Table 5 Availability of ICT based technologies S.No Technologies Responses(n=100) Percentage 1 Barcode 74 74.0% 2 RFID 02 2.0% 3 Video Conference 04 4.0% 4 Internet 98 98.0% NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
Internet Facility in the library Internet Connectivity: The highest 95% of the colleges have internet connectivity facility in the libraries. Internet connection: The maximum 65.0% of the libraries have been using DSL connection. The least 5.0% of the college libraries have been using cellular connection. Internet Service provider: The highest 80.0% of the libraries have been subscribing internet services from BSNL service and the least 4.0% libraries using Airtel service. NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
Status of Library Automation Views on Library Automation: The highest 68.0% libraries are partially automated while 29.0% libraries are fully automated. The least 3.0% libraries are found not automated. Software used for automation: The highest 94.0% of the libraries have been using SOUL software while only 2.0% libraries have been using Koha software and least 1.0% library using Exalib software. Automation modules used by the library: The highest 94.0% libraries have been using cataloguing module, 88.0% libraries using OPAC modules, 77.0% libraries using circulation module,25.0% of the libraries have been using serial control and least 17.0% libraries using acquisition module. NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
Status of Institutional repositories Views on Institutional repositories: The highest 34.0% libraries are available institutional repositories while 24.0% libraries are still in process and 42.0% libraries does not have institutional repository. Repository Software used in the library: The highest 48.0% libraries are using Dspace software. 8.0% libraries using other local made digital library software and the least 2.0% libraries using Greenstone. NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
Document digitized by the library Table 14 Document digitized by the library S.No Documents Responses(n=100) Percentage 1 Books 27 27.0% 2 Journals 20 20.0% 3 Magazine 34 34.0% 4 Conference proceeding 25 25.0% 5 Dissertation 21 21.0% 6 Thesis 18 18.0% 7 Question paper 42 42.0% 8 Leaflet 9 Prospectus 28 28.0% 10 Photo Gallery NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
Constraints for Implementing ICT Objective 3: To identify the barriers to implement ICTs in the college libraries of Assam Table 15 Constraints for Implementing ICT S.No Constraints Responses(n=100) Percentage 1 Inadequate training in ICT applications 71 71.0% 2 Lack of IT infrastructure and network facility 59 59.0% 3 Lack of support from authorities 33 33.0% 4 Lack of budget for ICT 46 46.0% 5 Lack of Co-ordination among library Staff 18 18.0% 6 Non availability of consultation services 28 28.0% 7 Lack of upgrading ICT strategy 37 37.0% 8 Lack of interest for learning ICT application 20 20.0% 9 Overload of working hours 54 54.0% 10 Erratic Power supply 45 45.0% 11 Lack of IT skilled manpower 88 88.0% NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
ICT based services extended Objective 4:To find out the ICT based services extended to the users in the college libraries of Assam Table 16 ICT based services extended S.No Services extended Responses(n=100) Percentage 1 Online Database Services 50 50.0% 2 Electronic Database 32 32.0% 3 Institutional repository services 4 Internet Service 94 94.0% 5 CD-ROM 48 48.0% 6 Scanning facility 44 44.0% 7 Printing facility 66 66.0% 8 Photocopy service 88 88.0% 9 Desktop facility NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
Level of satisfaction with the use of ICT Table 17 Level of satisfaction with the use of ICT S.No Level of satisfaction Response(n=100) Percentage 1 Highly satisfied 16 16.0% 2 Satisfied 52 52.0% 3 Not satisfied 32 32.0% Total= 100 100.0% NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
Positive impact of ICT on users Objective 5:To find out the impact of ICT on the users in the College libraries of Assam Table 18 Positive impact of ICT on users S.No Description Agree % Disagree 1 Provided quickly access the required information 79 79.0% 21 21.0% 2 Enhanced the quality of library services 69 69.0% 31 31.0% 3 It helps to create positive attitude 67 67.0% 33 33.0% 4 It helps to access up-to-date information 53 53.0% 47 47.0% 5 It saves time and effort 55 55.0% 45 45.0% 6 Provided flexible and comprehensive retrieval of information 58 58.0% 42 42.0% 7 It saves spaces and reduces paper 8 Access to new range of electronic services not possible before 57 57.0% 43 43.0% 9 The utility of ICT in my institute is good 61 61.0% 39 39.0% NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
CONCLUSION The facility of ICT infrastructure and extent of use of ICT in the College libraries of Assam have substantially improved. All most all the surveyed libraries are automated and they are using SOUL library management software whereas few libraries are implemented digital libraries and most of them using Dspace digital library software. Lack of IT skilled manpower is the main constraints to implement the ICT in the college libraries of Assam. All most all the libraries are having desktop and internet facility to the library users. The users are satisfied with the use of ICT in the college libraries. NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam
Thank You NACLIN 2018, October 4-6, 2018 GITAM, Visakhapatnam