Topic 2 – Reform Documents 4(4) and 4(5)(Cg-18) Why? Congress requested the Executive Council (EC) to make recommendations on how to improve governance. EC-70 recommended moving from eight Technical Commissions to two Technical Commissions to: Better address the global challenges of the 21st Century Be more responsive to regional needs Reflect multi-stakeholder and multi-disciplinary collaboration – integrate earth systems approach Improve involvement of all Members in WMO decisions Improve organizational efficiency EC-70 also proposed a Research Board and a Science Advisory Panel to improve access to independent science advice
Topic 2: Reform Doc. 4(4) and Doc 4(5) 2 Documents and 4 Resolutions: Doc 4(4) - WMO technical commissions and other bodies 4(4)/1 (Cg-18) Establishes 2 new WMO TCs Annex 1 on TORs for Infrastructure and Services TCs Annex 2 on Timelines 4(4)/2 (Cg-18) Establishes new Research Board Annex on TORs for RB 4(4)/3 (Cg-18) Establishes Joint WMO-IOC Collaborative Board Annex on TORs for JCB 4(4)/4 (Cg-18) Establishes Scientific Advisory Panel Annex on TORs for SAP Doc 4(5) Reform Next Phase
Topic 2 – Reform Draft Resolution 4(4)/1 (Cg-18) What is Cg-18 being asked to do? Establish 2 new Technical Commissions for normative work: One dealing with Infrastructure Annex 1 – Terms of Reference for Infrastructure Commission One to deal with Services Annex 2 – Terms of Reference for the Services Commission Disband the previous Commissions Begin transition to new Commissions New TCs to meet every two years Cross-representation using new EC bodies (Tech Coordination Committee and Policy Advisory Committee, Regional Associations and new Science Board)
INFRASTRUCTURE COMMISSION Standing Committees Earth observing systems and measurement networks Methods of observations, measurements and instrumentation Data, products and information exchange and life cycle management Data processing for applied Earth system modelling and prediction Infrastructure Commission The Task Force on Constituent Body Reform recommended 4 Standing Committees be set-up in the Infrastructure Commission
SERVICES COMMISSION Standing Committees Aeronautical meteorological services Marine meteorological and oceanographic services Agrometeorological and climatological services Hydrological services Public services and disaster risk reduction Services Commission … 5 under the Services Commission. !
Topic 2 – Reform Draft Resolution 4(4)/1 (Cg-18) What does this mean for me? The work of the current Commissions my country is involved in will transition to new structures in the new Commissions I will be involved in the transition to new structures in the new Commissions and also Presidents of RA I will need to nominate experts to participate in the new Commissions (see the new WMO Community Platform) I need to plan on expert participation in the Commissions every two years I will have opportunity for input to requirements and assistance in implementation via my regional associations