Panel Saw Blade Maintenance
Face of tooth Back of tooth Tooth Wear on Panel Saw Blades
Finish Cut Sizing Cut Carbide Edgelife Over Time
So, When is the Optimal Re-Sharpening Point? Based on this graph, we can see that there are points in the life of the blade when cut quality starts to drop off drastically. This is the optimal re- sharpening point. This point may vary depending on the specific use.
Edgelife in Meters Carbide Wear in Millimeters Optimal Re-Grinding Point 5000m Finish Cut Sizing Cut 1000m 2000m 3000m 4000m Optimal re-sharpening point
Utilization Degree Cutting Quality Product Quality Cutting longer than the optimal re-sharpening point: Reduces Optimal Re-Sharpening Point
Power Consumption Carbide Wear Noise No. of Rejected Pieces Cutting longer than the optimal re-sharpening point: Optimal Re-Sharpening Point Increases
Proper maintenance of saw blades is very important. Depending on the usage the blade can be re- sharpened between 10 and 20 times. Optimal maintenance guarantees: - Good cutting quality - Good running behavior of the saw blade - Long edge lives - Optimal overall lifetime of the saw blade Maintenance
Maintenance is not sharpening only. Usually it includes: - Cleaning of the blade - Complete removal of tooth wear from the face and from the top - Maintaining the geometry of cutting edges. - Tensioning and straightening, if necessary - Tooth replacement in case of heavily chipped teeth Maintenance