IWC9 Participant led-workshop GEF Marrakesh, 6 November 2018 IWC9 Participant led-workshop SGP Stories from the South China Sea and the Caribbean
Background SCS project and SGP funded an equal number of projects following SAP priorities Training provided to the SGP national coordinators regarding TDA and SAP process + regional priorities for intervention Rationale for establishing the Partnership difficult for full-sized IW projects to deal with all levels of civil society from Central Government down to communities SGP has an existing delivery mechanism at the national level to engage communities SCS has an inter-governmentally approved SAP with clearly defined targets SCS had various regional fora to engage national coordinators with local governments, scientists and regional experts SCS had no capacity to work with communities in all appropriate languages
Results 31 projects in 6 countries were executed with USD 1,000,000 (500K+500K) The SGP projects have brought: 2,079 hectares of seagrass, 2,388 hectares of coral reef and 12,618 hectares of mangrove under management; which represents 8%, 4.5% and 0.7% of the 2015 SAP targets.
THE IMPACTS OF SGP PROJECTS Community awareness of the need to improve the management of the environment and its associated resources, Creation of community based committees responsible for mangrove replanting, control of fishing activities etc in the long run Socio-economic benefits; household incomes from improved fishing techniques; alternative livelihoods and incomes; sustainable management of crab stocks, promotion of villaged based ecotourism in mangrove, etc Environmental benefits: improved fish catches reported improved vegetation cover increased biomass in seagrass areas
THE IMPACTS OF SGP PROJECTS Replication and Up-scaling in Thailand and Indonesia, practices developed with SCS-SGP projects adopted by Provincial Governments SGP projects designated as learning or demonstration centres.
CONCLUSIONS AND LESSONS LEARNED Win – Win Benefits SAP: contributions towards the achievement of the SAP priorities and targets SGP: an inter-governmentally approved framework for nationally executed activities Mobilization community involvement for SAP implementation SGP can serve as an effective mechanism to translate SAP into local actions FSP should take primary technical responsibilities to develop the foundational capacity for SGP national coordinators Community Action... Global Impact
MFA project (IW/BD/LD/SFM) project to manage water, land and ecosystem holistically through national innovative solutions for water and wastewater management, land & watershed restoration & ecosystem resilience Country interventions + SGP relevant activities to enhance livelihood opportunities and socio-economic co-benefits for targeted communities Partnership with the SGP in IWECO will allow for governmental and locally relevant (SGP) actions to double the effect of the GEF interventions from community to cabinet.
…. To the Amazon Thank You Small-scale investments associated with the national projects supported by the GEF-Small Grants Programme …. To the Amazon Thank You