PDGFRββ comprehensive map. PDGFRββ comprehensive map. Detailed graphical representation of PDGFRββ signaling events. The map was created with CellDesigner version 4.4 (http://www.celldesigner.org). Included are a total number of 614 species and 448 reactions extracted from 390 publications (Supplementary Information). PMIDs for individual reactions are included providing a direct link to the relevant literature. The information for all the species, compartments, and reactions can be viewed using the SBML version of the map. The symbols adopted to build the map are illustrated in the legend shown in Fig 2. Red-colored items are unique molecules present in PDGFRββ network only and absent from the PDGFRαα comprehensive map (Fig 2). The SBML and PDF files of the PDGFRββ network are available in the Supplementary Information. Shuang Zhou et al. LSA 2018;1:e201800029 © 2018 zhou et al.