Hyfforddiant Canlyniadau Personol i Ddarparwyr Gofal yn y Cartref Personal Outcomes Training for Domiciliary Care Providers Darparu canlyniadau Pennod 1.1 – Deall canlyniadau Delivering outcomes Chapter 1.1 – Understanding Outcomes
Canlyniad dysgu Learning outcome Diffinio canlyniadau gwahanol ac esbonio’r gwahaniaeth rhwng gwasanaethau, prosesau a chanlyniadau Define different outcomes and explain the difference between services, processes and outcomes
a picture that is painted by an Beth ydyn ni’n golygu wrth ganlyniadau personol? What do we mean by personal outcomes? Mae Canlyniad Personol yn rhywbeth sy’n bwysig i unigolyn. Gall hwn fod yn obaith, yn ddeheuad, neu gall olygu cael dewis a rheolaeth mewn sefyllfa A Personal Outcome is something that is important to an individual. It could be their hopes, aspirations or having choice and control Another way to look at this is having a picture that is painted by an individual Ffordd arall o edrych ar hwn yw fel cael llun sydd wedi cael ei beintio gan unigolyn SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Mae llun yn dangos beth sy’n bwysig i’r unigolyn a bydd hwn yn unigryw i bob person. Ni fyddai ddau berson yn peintio llun yr un fath. Mae’n adnodd arall i’w ddefnyddio er mwyn atgyfnerthu’r cysyniad o ganlyniadau personol a pham maent yn bwysig i’r unigolyn. ******************************************************************************************************************************************* A picture depicts what is important to the person and will be unique to every person. No two people could paint an identical picture. It is another tool that can be used to reinforce the concept of personal outcomes and why they are important to the individual.
Beth ydyn ni’n golygu wrth ganlyniadau personol? What do we mean by personal outcomes? Mae canlyniadau’n debyg i gael nodau hirdymor sydd ddim yn cael eu heffeithio gan deimladau neu hwyliau unigolyn Dydyn nhw ddim yn rhywbeth sy’n cael eu mesur ar sail sut fath o ddiwrnod mae unigolyn yn cael Outcomes are like long-term goals that are not affected by mood or emotions They are not something that are measured based on having a good or bad day
Canlyniadau personol Personal outcomes Ble’n bosibl dylid cytuno canlyniadau personol rhwng yr unigolyn a’r gweithiwr proffesiynol Dylent fod yn rhywbeth gallwch chi weithio gyda’ch gilydd i’w cyflawni Dylai’r hyn rydyn ni’n cynnig cael ei harwain gan yr hyn sy’n bwysig i’r unigolyn Dylai ein gwaith cefnogi canlyniadau personol unigolyn Outcomes should be agreed between the individual and professional wherever possible They should be something you can work together to achieve What we are offering should be driven by what is important to that individual The work that we do should support an individual’s outcomes SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Dylech chi fod yn gallu disgrifio’r canlyniadau rydych chi wedi cytuno arnynt. Dylen nhw fod yn realistig o ran y cymorth rydych chi’n gallu cynnig. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* You should be able to describe the agreed outcomes. They should be realistic in terms of the support you can offer.
Oes rhaid defnyddio “canlyniadau personol” bob tro? Are they always called “personal outcomes”? Pa eiriau fyddech chi’n defnyddio i ddisgrifio’ch canlyniadau personol chi? What words would you use to describe your personal outcomes? SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Ysgrifennwch y geiriau ar bapur fel bod pawb yn gallu gweld nhw. Gallwch gymharu rhain gyda’r sleid nesaf. *********************************************************************************************************************** Write down the words using flipchart paper so everyone can see them. You can compare these with the next slide.
Allwch chi ddewis beth sy’n broses a beth sy’n ganlyniad personol? Can you identify which are processes and which are personal outcomes? 1. Mae gennyf ddiddordeb mewn gwrando arnoch chi a’ch teulu er mwyn i chi ddweud wrthyf am eich gobeithion a’ch pryderon Proses 2. Beth am i ni weithio gyda’n gilydd i ystyried beth sy’n bwysig i chi? 1. I am interested to listen to you and your family so you can tell me what are the hopes and fears that you all may have Process 2. Shall we work together to explore what’s important to you? SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Gofynnwch i bobl i feddwl am beth gall bob brawddeg meddwl, cyn rhoi’r esboniad. Dyma esiampl o’r gwahaniaeth rhwng proses, canlyniad personol a gwasanaeth: Yn ystod sgwrs am “beth sy’n bwysig” (proses) gyda Mrs Jones, rydych yn darganfod bod Mrs Jones yn colli mynd i’r eglwys. Trwy weithio gyda’ch gilydd (cyd-gynhyrchu, hefyd yn broses) rydych yn darganfod yr hoffai Mrs Jones teimlo ei bod hi’n perthyn i eglwys unwaith eto (canlyniad personol). Rydych yn gweithio gyda Mrs Jones i greu ei chynllun personol (proses). Er mwyn cyflawni canlyniad personol Mrs Jones mae rhywun yn mynd i’r eglwys gyda hi. Bydd yr atebion yn ymddangos fesul un. Gofynnwch i bobl am atebion. Os ydych am ei wneud yn fwy diddorol, gallwch ofyn i bobl sefyll. Neilltuwch ardal ar gyfer canlyniadau personol ac ardal arall ar gyfer prosesau. Pan fod pobl yn gweld stori gallant symud i’r ardal berthnasol. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Ask people to have a think what each sentence might mean before giving a possible explanation at the bottom. An example of the difference between process, personal outcome and service: Having a “What matters” conversation (process) with Mrs Jones, you learn that Mrs Jones misses going to church. By working together (co-production, also a process) you find out that Mrs Jones would like to feel that she belongs to a church again (personal outcome). You work with Mrs Jones to create her personal plan (process). To achieve Mrs Jones’s personal outcome, a person accompanies her to church. The answers will appear one by one. Ask people for answers. If you want to make it more interesting, you can ask people to stand. Allocate one space for the personal outcomes zone and another space as a processes zone. When people see each story they can move to the designated area.
Allwch chi ddewis beth sy’n broses a beth sy’n ganlyniad personol? Can you identify which are processes and which are personal outcomes? 3. Mae fy nghymydog wedi fy ngwahodd i fynd i ddawns yn y ganolfan gymunedol leol. Hoffwn i fynd a chwrdd â phobl newydd Canlyniad personol 4. Rydw i eisiau teimlo fy mod i’n perthyn a bod yn rhan o’m cymuned 3. My neighbour invited me to attend a tea dance at the local community centre. I would like to go and meet new people Personal Outcome 4. I want to have a sense of belonging and being part of my community SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Gofynnwch i bobl i feddwl am beth gall bob brawddeg meddwl cyntaf, cyn rhoi’r esboniad. Dyma esiampl o’r gwahaniaeth rhwng proses, canlyniad personol a gwasanaeth: Yn ystod sgwrs am “beth sy’n bwysig” (proses) gyda Mrs Jones, rydych yn darganfod bod Mrs Jones yn colli mynd i’r eglwys. Trwy weithio gyda’ch gilydd (cyd-gynhyrchu, hefyd yn broses) rydych yn darganfod yr hoffai Mrs Jones teimlo ei bod hi’n perthyn i eglwys unwaith eto (canlyniad personol). Rydych yn gweithio gyda Mrs Jones i greu ei chynllun personol (proses). Er mwyn cyflawni canlyniad personol Mrs Jones mae rhywun yn mynd i’r eglwys gyda hi. Bydd yr atebion yn ymddangos fesul un. Gofynnwch i bobl am atebion. Os ydych am ei wneud yn fwy diddorol, gallwch ofyn i bobl sefyll. Neilltuwch ardal ar gyfer canlyniadau personol ac ardal arall ar gyfer prosesau. Pan fod pobl yn gweld stori gallant symud i’r ardal berthnasol. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Ask people to have a think what each sentence might mean before giving a possible explanation at the bottom. An example of the difference between process, personal outcome and service: Having a “What matters” conversation (process) with Mrs Jones, you learn that Mrs Jones misses going to church. By working together (co-production, also a process) you find out that Mrs Jones would like to feel that she belongs to a church again (personal outcome). You work with Mrs Jones to create her personal plan (process). To achieve Mrs Jones’s personal outcome, a person accompanies her to church. The answers will appear one by one. Ask people for answers. If you want to make it more interesting, you can ask people to stand. Allocate one space for the personal outcomes zone and another space as a processes zone. When people see each story they can move to the designated area.
Ble mae “gwasanaeth” yn ffitio i mewn? Where does “service” fit in? Mae gwasanaeth yn rhywbeth fydd yn cefnogi’r unigolyn i gyrraedd eu canlyniad(au) personol. Gall esiampl o wasanaeth fod: mynychu grŵp, cael cawod cerdded-i-mewn, neu derbyn gofal yn y cartref A service is something that will support an individual to achieve their personal outcome/s An example of a service could be: attending a group, having a walk-in shower installed or receiving care at home Canlyniadau personol Personal outcomes SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH Mae’n bwysig i wahanu a deall y gwahaniaeth rhwng “gwasanaethau” a “chanlyniadau personol”. Yn aml mae yna ddryswch ble mae pobl yn credu bod gwasanaethau yn ganlyniadau personol, er enghraifft, bod cael cymorth i wisgo yn ganlyniad personol Mae’r llun ar waelod y sleid yn cynnwys animeiddio (mae’r graffeg gwasanaethau’n ymddangos yn gyntaf, wedyn y saethau, ac wedyn y canlyniadau personol yn y cylch) ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ It is important to separate and understand the difference between “services” and “personal outcomes”. There is often confusion where people believe that services are personal outcomes, for example, having support to get dressed is a personal outcome The image at the bottom of the slide has animation (the services graphic appears first, then the arrows and then the personal outcomes circle) Gwasanaethau Services
Esiampl o ganlyniadau personol Example of personal outcomes Rydw i eisiau teimlo’n lân ac yn ffres er mwyn teimlo’n hyderus a mwynhau treulio amser gyda fy wyrion Rydw i eisiau aros a byw yn fy nghartref fy hun, ble cefais fy magu Gan fod fy nheulu’n dod o India rwy’n dwlu ar gael oglau sbeis yn y tŷ. Hoffwn i fwyta’r bwyd roedd fy nheulu’n coginio I want to smell clean and feel fresh so I feel confident and can enjoy spending time with my grandchildren I want to stay and live in my own home, where I grew up As my family is from India, I love having the house smell of fresh spices. I want to eat food that my family used to cook Mae animeiddio’n dangos pob canlyniad ar wahan. The animation shows each outcome separately.
Canlyniadau personol Personal outcomes Mae’r esiamplau yma yn dangos sut gall wasanaethau cefnogi canlyniadau personol unigolyn Gweithgaredd: Mynd i’m eglwys lleol Canlyniad personol: Gweld fy ffrindiau, cymdeithasu, cynnal fy ffydd These examples show how services can support an individual’s personal outcomes Activity: Going to my local church Personal outcomes: Seeing my friends, getting out and about, maintaining my faith SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Mae gweithgaredd yn rhywbeth mae’r unigolyn yn gwneud, tra bod gwasanaeth yn cyfeirio at y cymorth mae’r unigolyn yn ei dderbyn. Gofynnwch am esiamplau a meddyliwch os ydy e’n weithgaredd, yn wasanaeth neu’n ganlyniad personol. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** An activity is something that the individual does, whereas a service is the support the individual receives. Ask for examples and think about whether they are activities, services or personal outcomes.
Canlyniadau personol Personal outcomes Gweithgaredd: Cawod cerdded-i-mewn Canlyniad personol: Gallu golchi fy hun heb orfod dibynnu ar eraill Oes gyda chi unrhyw esiamplau o sut rydych chi’n cefnogi canlyniadau personol unigolion? Activity: Walk-in-shower installed Personal outcomes: Being able to wash myself and not rely on others Do you have any examples of how you support an individual’s personal outcomes? SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Mae gweithgaredd yn rhywbeth mae’r unigolyn yn gwneud, tra bod gwasanaeth yn cyfeirio at y cymorth mae’r unigolyn yn ei dderbyn. Gofynnwch am esiamplau a meddyliwch os ydy e’n weithgaredd, yn wasanaeth neu’n ganlyniad personol. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** An activity is something that the individual does, whereas a service is the support the individual receives. Ask for examples and think about whether they are activities, services or personal outcomes.
Stori A story Mae Mark yn derbyn gofal lliniarol. Mae Mark yn mwynhau ei fwyd gan fod ei dad yn gogydd, gynt. Mae e wedi’i weld yn anodd rhoi’r gorau i ddewis, paratoi a bwyta’i fwyd ei hun. Hoffai Mark petai rywun yn gofyn iddo beth sy’n well ganddo i fwyta; mae dal gydag e barn ar ei hoffterau ac anhoffderau. Mark is receiving palliative care. Mark really enjoys food as his father was a chef. He found it hard to let go of the joy of choosing, preparing and eating his own meals. Mark would like to be asked about what he’d prefer to eat; he has views on what he does and doesn’t like. Mae’r stori hwn yn dangos y dylai Mark cael llais a dewis wrth dderbyn gofal lliniarol. Mae e’n gallu cyfrannu a chael rheolaeth. ************************************************************************************************************************************* This story shows Mark should have voice and control when receiving palliative care. He can contribute and have control.
Mark’s story (continued) Stori Mark (parhad) Mark’s story (continued) Mae Mark yn gallu dweud wrth bobl beth sy’n haws iddo fwyta wrth i’w gyflwr newid Canlyniad personol Mark yw cael dewis a rheolaeth am beth mae e am fwyta (hawdd ei gyflawni, realistig ac yn hawdd ei ddisgrifio) Mark can tell people about what he wants to eat and the foods he finds easier to digest as his condition changes His personal outcome is to have choice and control about what he wants to eat (achievable, realistic and describable). Mae’r stori hwn yn dangos y dylai Mark cael llais a dewis wrth dderbyn gofal lliniarol. Mae e’n gallu cyfrannu a chael rheolaeth. ************************************************************************************************************************************* This story shows Mark should have voice and control when receiving palliative care. He can contribute and have control.
Cwestiynau i chi feddwl am Suggested questions for you to think about Yn seiliedig ar beth rydych chi wedi dysgu, meddyliwch am sut rydych chi’n cefnogi unigolion a’u canlyniadau personol Sut mae’r hyn rydych wedi dysgu heddiw wedi gwneud i chi feddwl yn wahanol am yr hyn rydych yn gwneud? Beth gallech wneud yn wahanol fel rhan o’r ymarfer? Based on what you have learned, think about how you support individuals and their personal outcomes? How has what you’ve learned today made you think differently about what you do? What could you do differently in practice? Gallwch ofyn y cwestiynau hyn unrhyw bryd yn y stod yr hyfforddiant, neu gallwch eu cadw tan y diwedd fel rhan o sesiwn myfyrio fel grwp. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** These questions can be asked at any time during the training or can be kept for the end as part of a group reflection session.