Development Through the Lifespan Chapter 9 Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: Any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network; Preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; Any rental, lease, or lending of the program.
Body Growth in Middle Childhood Slow, regular pattern Girls shorter and lighter until about age 9 Lower portion of body growing fastest Bones lengthen Muscles very flexible All permanent teeth arrive
Common Health Problems in Middle Childhood Vision - Myopia Hearing - Otitis media (middle ear infection) Malnutrition Obesity Illnesses Injuries
Causes of Obesity in Middle Childhood Overweight parents Low SES Parents’ feeding practices Low physical activity Television Cultural food environment
Deaths from Injuries, North American Children, Ages 5–19
Motor Development in Early Childhood Gross Motor Skills Improvements: Flexibility Balance Agility Force Fine Motor Skills Gains: Writing Drawing
Physical Play Development in Middle Childhood Games with Rules Sports Invented Games Video Games Adult-organized sports Physical Education
Piaget’s Theory: Achievements of the Concrete Operational Stage Conservation Decentration Reversibility Classification Seriation Transitive inference Spatial Reasoning Directions Maps
Key Information Processing Improvements Increase in information-processing capacity Gains in cognitive inhibition Both may be related to brain development
Attention in Middle Childhood Attention becomes more: Selective Adaptable Planful ADHD
Development of Memory Strategies Rehearsal – early grade school Organization – early grade school Knowledge base helps organization Elaboration – end of middle childhood Meaningful chunks of information
Information Processing and Academic Learning Reading Whole-language approach Basic-skills approach Mathematics Drill “Number sense”
Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Linguistic Logico-mathematical Musical Spatial Bodily-kinesthetic Naturalist Interpersonal Intrapersonal
Explaining Differences in IQ Genetics Accounts for about half of differences Environment SES Culture Communication styles Cultural bias in test content
Language Development in Middle Childhood Vocabulary Increases fourfold during school years 20 new words a day Grammar Passive voice Infinitive phrases Pragmatics Adjust to people and situations Phrase requests to get what they want
Learning Two Languages Bilingual Development Learn both languages at the same time Learn first language, then second Sensitive period - childhood Bilingual Education Language immersion Bilingual education
Academic Achievement and Class Size
Educational Philosophies and Practices Traditional v. Open Classrooms New Directions Theory Reciprocal teaching Teacher-student Interaction Self-fulfilling prophesies Grouping for learning
Teaching Children with Special Needs Learning Difficulties Mainstreaming Gifted Talented Divergent thinking and creativity