The Political Spectrum 40 20 Moderate Conservative Liberal
What does it mean to be… …CONSERVATIVE? Likes the status quo (the way things are now) Traditional American values and a strong National Defense Personal responsibility, limited or less gov’t Places more importance on states’ rights than the federal government
What does it mean to be… Liberal? Advocates change and innovation Tends to trust the government to provide a better life-”take care of those who can’t take care of themselves” Gov’t needs to help to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all Less $pending on military (defense)-more on social programs
What does it mean to be… Radical? Wants immediate change, and lots of it Believes that government should be highly involved in every aspect of life Believes that government should provide many free services in exchange for control
What does it mean to be… Reactionary? Want to return to a time before government Believe in the near elimination of all government control-total freedom