Emerging Technologies
Topic Aims Level Method Equipment Duration Technology To get students to be aware of emerging technologies With the use of Programme Flowcharts, this will enable the Students to be more independent in learning Level Level 3 Method Watch video from CES 2015 and discuss in groups the social consequences of current uses of computing Students must then choose one technology related to programme and create a poster using the template Equipment PC or laptop A3 Paper Pens Pencils Duration 30 Minutes +
Click here for the video CES 2015 Click here for the video 012345…
Specification Discuss the social consequences of current uses of computing. Be aware of emerging technologies and appreciate their potential impact on society. Robotics: What are machines good and bad at, in comparison to humans? What can this tell us about the way that the human mind works? What can we learn from machines? What are the limitations of using machines as tools? 012345…
Task for Today Poster in A3 Your poster must have a title and a large image and a link to a video Pick one technology (related to programming) Explain what it is State where it is used Elaborate on how it is used Advantages, disadvantages Future prospects of that technology 012345…
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