Mukurtu CMS: Community Records Digital Stewardship Curriculum 20 min
Examples of Uses for Community Records Mixing public and sensitive information Public Access protocol for the initial record Closed protocol for the community record(s) Presenting multiple voices Public Access protocol for the community record(s) We did cover this in the last virtual session, so this should be review...
Creating Community Records Each can have a different cultural protocol Multiple records can have the same protocol To add a community record, the user must be able to edit the initial record And be able to create items in their chosen protocol If a user cannot see the initial record, they won’t be able to see any subsequent community records
This record has 3 community records This record has 3 community records. They are all public access, and some are from the same community
To add a CR, find the DH item you want to add a record to… And click Add Community Record
And then you have the same editing/creation screen as a DH Item! The only difference is there is no Media Asset field - that is shared across all CRs on the same item. You do still need to enter title, protocols, sharings settings, category