DIGESTION b 1. Definition b 2. Human Digestive Tract b 3. Oral Phase of Digestion b (a) t;ongue and teeth b (b) salivary glands b (c) breakdown of starch b 4. Esophagus -function
Gastric Phase b 1. b 1. Anatomy of the stomach b 2. b 2. Peristalsis b 3. b 3. Stomach pH b 4. b 4. Secretions b(a) Hcl (b) pepsinogen (c)gastrin b5. Breakdown of protein b6. Ulcers
INTESTINAL PHASE (SMALL) b I. Anatomy (length and parts) b 2. pH b 3. Absorption and villi b 4. Enzymes secreted by small intestine b 5. Enzymes secreted by the pancreas b 6. Hormone, secretin--pancreas b 7. Bile from the gall bladder
INTESTINAL PHASE (LARGE) b 1. Anatomy (length and parts) b 2. Functions b (a) Water and ion reabsorption b (b) Feces concentration b (c Some bacteria--production of vitamins
ACCESSORY ORGANS b1b1b1b1. Liver 2. Pancreas 3. Gall Bladder bAbAbAbAnatomy or location of each bFbFbFbFunction(s) of each bMbMbMbModel bObObObOverheads