Univ. Prof Dr Viktor Jakupec Supporting the Agency for Professional Development of Teachers in Serbia (ZAVOD) Workshop Principles and characteristics of designing and developing CPD learning programmes September 2016 Beograd Prepared by Univ. Prof Dr Viktor Jakupec
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Learning Outcomes The learner can apply adult learning theories, styles and principles for the development of a CPD learning programme parameter, learning activities, and sequencing of learning topic(s) Teaching Activity Presentation of CPD elements and discussion Generating options for designing learning programme parameters, content and structures, incl. sequencing of learning topics, and variety of learning activities Learning Activity Develop an outline of a CPD learning programme parameter for a specific learning activity, incl. learning topic(s), learning activities (group activity and discussions ) 1
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Introduction to Topic Basics of Adult Learning CPD design principles and characteristics based on Adult Learning Options for designing learning programmes Parameters Content and structures sequencing of learning topics variety of learning activities Activity 2
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Basics of Adult Learning Life experiences and knowledge (work, society, family) and learning is enhanced when relating new and previous acquired experiences, knowledge, skills and competencies Prefer autonomous and self-directed learning. Self-respect and require respect and need their experience, ideas, values, knowledge and questions recognised as important. Require practical, purpose-focussed, and problem- targeted learning with immediate application to deal with professional, societal, work-related, etc. tasks. …2 3
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Basics of Adult Learning (continues) Require constructive progress feedback on the learning of new knowledge, skills and competencies Diverse preferences for learning: i.e. (i) learning by doing (kinesthetic), (ii) learning by observing (visual), (iii) learning by listening (auditory). Prefer learning through collaboration and reciprocity (learning and sharing exixting and new knowledge, experiences, skills, and competencies with others. Motivated to learn influenced by variety of factors (i.e. professional growth and advancement, personal aspirations, externally imposed expectations, intrinsic desire or interest, and service to others. 4
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Adult Learning Characteristic: Life experiences and knowledge (work, society, family) and learning enhanced when relating new and previous acquired experiences, knowledge, skills and competencies Implication for Designing CPD Learning Programmes Provide opportunities for learners to reflect upon and share their existing knowledge and experience. Create learning activities that involve the use of past experience or knowledge. Ask learners to identify the similarities and differences between what they are learning and what they already know. 5
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Adult Learning Characteristic: Prefer autonomous and self-directed learning Implication for Designing CPD Learning Programmes Design training around participants' needs and goals. Ask participants what they want to learn. Learners learn best when they establish a specific learning objective or goal for themselves. Provide learner action-planning tools and templates to help develop and focus their self-directed efforts and facilitate learning. Provide opportunities for learners to direct their own learning through guided inquiry and self-facilitated small-group discussions. 6
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Adult Learning Characteristic: Self-respect and require respect Implication for Designing CPD Learning Programmes Design training to minimize each learner's risk of failure and embarrassment. . Provide opportunities for learners to share ideas, questions, opinions, experiences, concerns. Create flexible training programs accommodating prticipants contributions and questions as much as possible. Ensure for learners to express their confusion, anxieties, doubts, and fears. Provide opportunities for ”step-by-step" learning process building Knowledge, skills and competencies incrementally. 7
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Adult Learning Characteristic: Practical, purpose-focussed, and problem- targeted learning with immediate application Implication for Designing CPD Learning Programmes Ask learners to identify what they would like and need to learn about a topic. Establish clear learning objectives making the connection between participant's needs and the learning content. Share examples that relate the learning content to participant's current challenges. Ask learners to share their own examples that make this linkage. Encourage learners to identify the challenges they face and the value of learning to addressing these challenges. Follow theories with practical examples and applications to demonstrate the relevance of the learning. 8
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Adult Learning Characteristic: Constructive progress feedback on the learning Implication for Designing CPD Learning Programmes Provide opportunities for learners to obtain timely feedback to their own learning through practical examples, role-playing, exercises and replies to trainer questions. Encourage learners to self-evaluate and assess their own learning and performance. Commend any achievement of learning improvement and encourage continued learning. 9
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Adult Learning Characteristic: Diverse preferences for learning Implication for Designing CPD Learning Programmes Recognition that not all learners will respond equally well to a given teaching-learning method or technique. Usage of a wide variety of methods employing learners’ preferences in training delivery. Usage of all three learning modes (kinesthetic, visual, and auditory). Make trainers aware of their own learning preferences and make them wary of favouring this approach in their own teaching. Enable learners to learn in the style that best suits them (use small group work, dyadic discussions, and individual activities). 10
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Adult Learning Characteristic: Learning through collaboration and reciprocity Implication for Designing CPD Learning Programmes Provide a low-risk environment for learning by responding to the different levels of knowledge and skill within a group Strengthen learner self-esteem through team-based learning, based on mutual trust and respect. Use small-group learning to more accurately reflect participants' interdependent and collaborative work environment back in the working environment. 1
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Adult Learning Characteristic: Motivation to learn Implication for Designing CPD Learning Programmes Seek responses into the reasons participants are interested in learning. Encourage learners to identify the link between learning and the satisfaction of a professional/personal need and/or a lessening to learning due to external influences. Formulate a link between the learning content and each learner's long- range objectives (personal and professional). Encourage participants to discuss in in small groups the short- , mediu-, and long-term advantages to be gained by participating in the program's content. 11
12 Step 1: Define the Parameters of the Learning Programme Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Options Parameters and Content and Structure for designing learning programmes Step 1: Define the Parameters of the Learning Programme The purpose of the learning program The benchmarks to be achieved The specific learning objectives for the learning program The scope and breadth of the learning program The target group learners The learning environment The operational resource requirements 12
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Options Parameters and Content and Structure for designing learning programmes Step 2: Generating options for the Learning Programme Independent learning units Clustering of learning units to correspond with specific work activities Clustering of learning units to reflect learning within a specific project Common knowledge clusters—required knowledge common to a number of learning units is clustered for learning but application of the knowledge is assessed in other components of the program 13
13 Training packages and associated resources Needs analysis Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Options Parameters and Content and Structure for designing learning programmes Step 3: Developing the learning programme content Training packages and associated resources Needs analysis Demands Analysis Assessment requirements Time allocated for training Knowledge, skills and competencies required 13
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Options Parameters and Content and Structure for designing learning programmes Step 4: Designing the learning programme structure Sequencing information The learning program timeframe Delivery methods (face-to-face, online delivery, distance learning, coaching or mentoring, workplace applications, simulated workplace applications) Assessment methods and tools 15
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Options Parameters and Content and Structure for designing learning programmes Step 5: Review the learning program Ensure that Content and structure addresses all aspects required by the units of competency or other benchmarks Sequence provides effective and manageable blocks of learning Activities are interesting, relevant and appropriate to outcomes and learner characteristics Assessment points, methods and tools are appropriate and effective Effectively addresses equity needs identifies risk areas and contingencies 16
Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Options Parameters and Content and Structure for designing learning programmes Step 6: Implement the learning program Review the programme (stakeholders feedback, per assessment, piloting) Implement the program Review the programme periodically (learners feedback, stakeholders feedback) 17
18 Mode: Group work Discuss within the group Designing and developing CPD learning programmes: Principles and characteristics Participants’ Activity Mode: Group work Discuss within the group Appropriate adult learning characteristics and corresponding implications Develop an Options, Parameters Content and Structure OUTLINE for designing a learning programmes Keep notes for future discussion and presentation NOTE: Use a table format or checklist format 18