Nexia TS Business Case Challenge Nexia TS Business Case Challenge Objective: The Nexia TS Day Business Challenge aims to nurture local entrepreneurs by supporting aspiring students in their entrepreneurship journey through mentorship and peer learning. Last year, Nexia TS partnered with NTU and kicked off its inaugural Nexia day Business Challenge. Nexia TS Business Case Challenge 2019: Receive feedback from a panel of judges including successful entrepreneurs and leading business professionals (including Directors and CEOs) Receive mentorship from industry experts and professionals Provides access to entrepreneur role models or professional contacts who can help get their businesses up and running Date, Venue: 29 August 2019, Thursday, 2–5.30pm at Nexia TS Office*
Timeline* Description: By: Dates* 1. Business Challenge Publicity & Sign Up Period Institute, Nexia TS 12 Apr – 01 May 2. Kickoff Business Case Challenge 2019 01 May 3. Business Case Creation Students 01 May – 01 Jun 4. Business Case Round 1 Submission 06 Jun 5. Sharing of Business Cases with Judges 13 Jun-20 Jun 6. Business Case Round 1 Review Judges 20 Jun- 20 Jul 7. Tabulate scores for Business Case Round 1 25 Jul 8. Send feedback for all Business Cases and shortlist top 5 participants for Business Case Round 2 01 Aug 9. Preparation of Business Case Round 2 Material & Submission of Business Case Round 2 Material Student 08 Aug – 22 Aug 22 Aug 10. Nexia TS Business Case Round 2 Announcement of Winner & Prize Presentation All 29 Aug
Timeline Business Case Round 1 Submission Interested students will have to form a group of no more than 5. Each group will prepare their Business Cases following round 1 judging criteria*: Create Business Case in PowerPoint format, 15 pages. Send Business Case challenge to Nexia TS via email at Kindly download the cover page and attach with your business plan. Deadline: 6 June 2018 Enquiries: Contact: 6534 5700 (ext. 795)
Timeline Business Case Round 1 Review Business Cases will be reviewed and scored by the panel of judges The panel of judges will be made up of directors and successful entrepreneurs. They will grade students’ Business Case following Judging Criteria Round 1 Send feedback for all Business Cases and shortlist top 5 participants for Business Case Round 2 Nexia TS will send feedback for all Business Cases to each group via email Inform top 5 participants via email for Business Case Challenge Round 2 and schedule for the pitch accordingly.
Judging Criteria Round 1* Description Score Product or Service to be offered; Marketing/Sales Does the Case effectively communicate the features and benefits of the product or service brought to the market? and how this competitive advantage will be maintained? Does the Case indicate how the product/service will be distributed and the product/services’ revenue and pricing model? Does the Case include an appropriate promotional strategy that is realistic when compared to the assigned marketing budget? 25 Market Opportunity (Market Analysis) Does the Case effectively describe the market in which the business intends to compete? Does the Case identify the current market size and potential growth? Does the Case identify the key characteristics of the market relevant to the competitive positioning and how this opportunity will be exploited? Does the Case effectively analyze the nature of competition within the market? Does the Case identify the target customer group? 15 Team & Operations Does the Case effectively highlight the expertise of the individual(s) within the business and identify any human resource ‘gaps’ and appropriate measures to resolve these issues? Does the Case address the issues of operational complexity, resource requirements and operational risks appropriately? 10 Financials & Risks and Sensitivities Does the Case explain key assumptions and features of the financial model? Does the Case include detailed income and expenditure and cash flow forecasts? Does the Case detail the level of working capital required to run the business? Does the Case identify the nature of potential returns? Are the financial forecasts realistic? Clarity Is the Case written in a well-structured, clear and concise manner? Likelihood of company formation within 12 months How likely is it that a company will be formed within the next 12 months? What are key factors that suggest a company can be formed in 12 months? What are the barriers that will prevent company formation within 12 months? 100
Nexia TS Business Case Challenge Timeline Nexia TS Business Case Challenge (Round 2) The top 5 winners will proceed to the second round which is a presentation/pitch session followed by speed mentoring. Top 3 winning group will stand to win cash prize worth $800. Business Case Round 2 Presentation/Pitch Session Qualified teams will have to make a 15 minutes presentation This will be followed by 5 minutes Q&A Refer to Judging Criteria Round 2 to find out how teams will be judged Speed Mentoring Session Mentors will come with different strengths and expertise. Each student group should come prepared with questions Each student group will be paired with one mentor. They will be given 10 minutes to seek advice. Each student group will be rotated so that they will be able to meet with all the mentors.
Nexia TS Business Case Challenge 12. Nexia Business Case Challenge 2019 This is the tentative program for Nexia Business Case Challenge Time Programme 2.00pm Welcome Address by Mr Henry Tan, Group CEO & Chief Innovation Officer, Nexia TS 2.20pm Business Case Presentation by Team 2.40pm 3.00pm 3.20pm 3.40pm 4.00pm Refreshments 4.20pm Speed-mentoring 5.20pm Prize Presentation 5.30pm Ends
Judging Criteria Round 2* Description Score Clarity Is the Case presented in a well-structured, clear and concise manner? Clear articulation 15 Persuasiveness Is the Case presented in a persuasive and engaging presentation manner Q&A Section Good understanding of the business case 20 50 Computation of Final Score Computation of final score Score Round 1 100 Round 2 50 150
Thank you. Singapore China Malaysia Myanmar Nexia TS Public Accounting Corporation 100 Beach Road Shaw Tower #30-00 Singapore 189702 Tel: (65) 6534 5700 Fax: (65) 6534 5766 Email: Website: China Nexia TS (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Room A, 20 Floor, Heng Ji Building, No. 99 East Huai Hai Road, Huang Pu District, Shanghai 20021, China Tel: (8621) 6047 8716 Fax: (8621) 6047 8712 Email: Website: Malaysia NTS Asia Advisory Sdn Bhd Unit No 23A-06, Level 23A Menara Landmark, No. 12 Jalan Ngee Heng 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor Tel: (60) 7 221 3285 Fax: (60) 7 221 3289 Website: Myanmar NTS Myanmar Co Ltd La Pyayt Wun Plaza, 410(B), 4th Floor, 37 Alanpya Pagoda Road, Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar Tel: (951) 370 836, 370 837, 370 838 Ext- 406, 407, 408 Fax: (951) 376 945 Website:
Business Plan Cover Page (1/2) Business Case Challenge 2019 Group Members’ Names (up to 5) Team member’s name, School, Year Main Contact Person (2 contact) Team member’s name, email address, mobile no. Business Case Name:
Business Plan Cover Page (2/2) Summary of Business Plan: 500 words max.