ATP-PC (ANAEROBIC ALACTIC) AKA: Immediate Alactic System
Learning goals I will be able to explain the initial energy pathway of the body. I will be able to connect this pathway to human activity.
Three nrg systems to resynthesize ATP, we simply need to add a phosphate group (PO4 3-) back to the ADP this process requires E!
1. ATP-PC (ANAEROBIC ALACTIC) used for high-energy output activities lasting <10s it’s really fast because it’s really simple: ATP re-synthesis from PHOSPHOCREATINE breakdown
phosphocreatine breakdown provides both reactants required for ATP re-synthesis (phosphate group + E!) once the phosphocreatine stores are gone (10s), the system stops working until stores can be replenished (which actually requires some ATP)
ADP CP ATP C The rxn 1 ATP for every molecule of creatine phosphate Creatine Kinase + Hydrolysis ADP CP ATP C 1 ATP for every molecule of creatine phosphate The amount of CP in the muscle is limited During rest, CP levels are restored
Which activities use the ATP-PC system as the primary energy source? sprinting high jump diving weight lifting shot put
provides a quick, intense burst of E! (without producing lactic acid)
Creatine Supplements Video
Learning goals I will be able to explain the initial energy pathway of the body. I will be able to connect this pathway to human activity.