January 18th
Do Now – review HW Class Announcements Review Act II, scene i Monday, 1/10/2011 Objectives: SWBAT 1. Describe and dramatize the characters and summarize the main events in act two of The Tempest. 2. Demonstrate their understanding of Act II of The Tempest by taking an Act II Reading Quiz. Do Now: Agenda: Directions: Answer in at least three complete sentences! Refer to your books/notes if you need to. Describe Caliban. What do we know about him so far? Why do you think Ariel charmed Alonso and Gonzalo to sleep? What was the purpose of that moment? How might that have helped with Prospero’s plan for revenge? Do Now – review HW Class Announcements Review Act II, scene i Review Act II, scene ii Caliban’s speech Quiz!
Character Cards What new characters do we need to add?
Homework Create new character cards for Trinculo and Stephano Caliban character analysis
Tuesday, January 18th, 2011 I have office hours this week for make-up tests, quizzes, and questions about work: Make-ups for any missing tests, quizzes, or questions about assignments will be in the learning commons: Wednesday, during break (11.42-12.12pm) Thursday, until 4.30pm Friday, until 4.30 pm Monday, during break (11.42-12.12pm)
King Alonso and his men, stranded together, wander the island in search of Ferdinand. Gonzalo tries to convince Alonso of Ferdinand’s survival. Ariel puts all the men asleep except for Antonio and Sebastian. Antonio takes this opportunity to convince Sebastian to kill King Alonso and Gonzalo so that Sebastian can take over throne of Naples. Ariel, invisible, wakes Gonzalo, who wakes the rest. Then the men resume their search. Act Two, scene 1
Act Two Tableaus Objective/SWBAT: Read, dramatize and summarize Act Two, scene 1 Overview: For this review activity you will be working in groups of four to create a tableau (non-moving, non-speaking, human sculpture) that represents the actions of the characters of the play in act 2. Instructions: Choose one group members’ character cards. Shuffle the cards and have each group member blindly, randomly draw a card. Each group member reads his/her line and chooses a pose that reflects the meaning of the line and the actions of the character on his/her card. Arrange yourself in your positions in a group (clump) Each group will present their tableau and discuss their tableau with the class.
View Act II, scene i http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XZ091CEgNU &feature=related
Trinculo finds Caliban hiding under a cloak and Trinculo joins him to seek shelter from the storm. Stephano, drunk, finds them both and shares his drink with them. In exchange for this drink, Caliban swears to be Stephano’s subject and to abandon Prospero. Act Two, scene 2
Watch Act II, Scene II http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P-lNzgA7jI
Caliban Character Discussion – 1/18 What is Caliban like as a character? What are some things we can infer about him by what he does and says? He is fearful.
Understanding Caliban’s Speech – 1/18 Directions: Re-read the following speech from the beginning of 2.2. Then, mark- up the text by completing at least five margin summary notes (label them!) in which you: briefly paraphrase parts of the speech in your own words, ask level one and level two questions, define vocabulary you do not understand, and underline important parts and briefly explain why you chose to underline these parts. Caliban: All the infections that the sun sucks up From bogs, fens, flats, on Prosper fall and make him By inchmeal a disease! His spirits hear me, And yet I needs must curse. But they’ll nor pinch me I’ th’ mire, Nor lead me like a firebrand in the dark Out of my way, unless he bid ‘em. But For every trifle are they set upon me, Sometimes like apes, that mow and chatter at me And after bite me; then like hedgehogs, which Lie tumbling in my barefoot way and mount Their pricks at my footfall. Sometime am I All wound with adders, who with cloven tongues Do hiss me into madness. Lo, now, lo! Here comes a spirit of his, and to torment me For bringing wood in slowly. I’ll fall flat. Perchance he will not mind me. MCAS lesson on open response.
Caliban Character Analysis – 1/18 HW Questions: Your Response: Text that supports your response: 1. Is Caliban a sympathetic character? Why or why not? 2. What do you think life was like for him before Prospero arrived? How did life change for him after Prospero arrived? 3. What caused the relationship between Caliban and Prospero to change? 4. Is Prospero justied in his treatment of Caliban?