COURSE INFORMATION Course instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nilgun Ayman OZ Web site: http://aves.comu.edu.tr/nilgunayman/ e-mail: nilgunayman@comu.edu.tr Tel: 0286 2180018/2177 Office Hours: Tuesday, 15:30-17:00 or by appointment Office Location: 114
Course Content This course will cover topics including: microscopy, gram staining, indicator microorganisms, aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation, fermentation
Course Objectives This course explores the basic principles of environmental microbiology, metabolism, and growth of microorganisms, role of microorganisms in both natural environments and biological treatment systems. and identification of microorganisms using different techniques.
Course Learning Outcomes 1) Design an experiment related to microbiology, execute the experiment, analyze the data and communicate the results pertaining to the experiment. 2) Perform experiments related to environmental microbiology
Course Plan 1. Week Introduction to Environmental Microbiology Lab and Safety Instructions 2. Week Aseptic Technique, Microbial Sampling Demo. 3. Week Microscopy 4. Week Examination of organisms (Gram staining) 5. Week Viable Cell Count: Spread Plate 6. Week Viable Cell Count: Pour Plate 7. Week Indicator microorganisms for receiving water quality (Membrane filtration) 8. Week Mid-term 9. Week Indicator microorganisms for receiving water quality (Most Proable Number) 10. Week Examination of activated sludge biomass- macro structures and micro structures 11. Week Aerobic Bioreactor (preparation of experimental set-up) Demo. 12. Week Alcohol Fermentation 13. Week Anaerobic Bioreactor (preparation of experimental set-up) Demo. 14. Week Anaerobic Bioreactor (preparation of experimental set-up) Demo.
Textbooks Maier R.M; Pepper I.L.; Gerba C.P. (2000) Environmental Microbiology, Academic Press.
Evaluation Midterm 20% Report Final 60% Attendance: Students are encouraged to attend classes to be able to pass this course.