Reading A Few Simple Forms of English Poems
Do you know these words? poem ['pəuim] n.诗 poet ['pəuit] n.诗人 poetry ['pəuitri] n.(总称)诗,诗歌,诗意 rhyme ['raim] n.韵,韵脚,押韵 v.(使)押韵 rhythm ['riðəm] n.节奏,韵律,节拍
Why do people write poems? There are many reasons why people write poems. In small groups make a list of these reasons. People write poems to tell a story to express feelings to make others laugh
to tell the life or friendship to delight the kids to tell stories to describe the seasons or scenes for entertainment as the lyric of a song
Step II Pre-reading Appreciation: Enjoy some poems
Appreciation 静 夜 思 疑 是 地 上 霜 。举 头 望 明 月 ,低 头 思 故 乡 。 A Tranquil Night Abed, I see a silver light, I wonder if it's frost aground. Looking up, I find the moon bright; Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned. 静 夜 思 - 李 白 床 前 明 月 光 , 疑 是 地 上 霜 。举 头 望 明 月 ,低 头 思 故 乡 。
Appreciation 寻寻觅觅, 冷冷清清, 凄凄惨惨戚戚。 <<声声慢 >> I seek but seek in vain, I search and search again; I feel so sad , so drear, so lonely, without cheer. 寻寻觅觅, 冷冷清清, 凄凄惨惨戚戚。 李清照 <<声声慢 >>
Ode to the west wind - Percy Bysshe Shelley Appreciation Ode to the west wind - Percy Bysshe Shelley If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了, 春天还会远吗? -雪莱<<西风颂>>
Listen to a poem in the form of song
Can you tell the rhymes of the poem? Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are. When the blazing sun is gone, When the nothing shines up on. Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle all the night.
Step III While-reading Listen to Poem A
Poem A Hush, little baby, don’t say a word, Papa’s going to buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird won’t sing, Papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papa’s going to buy you a looking-glass. If that looking-glass gets broke, Papa’s going to buy you a billy-goat. If that billy-goat runs away, Papa’s going to buy you another today.
What is the poem A about? Poem A is a nursery rhyme that illustrates(说明) a father’s love for his boy.
Nursery rhymes(童谣) Nursery rhymes are the first poems that children will hear. They are often sung. Children love to move and dance to nursery rhymes and songs because they have strong regular rhythms. They enjoy the rhymes and the way the nursery rhyme plays with sounds.
the features of this poem Nursery rhyme: a common type of children’s poetry having strong rhythm and rhyme having a lot of repetition
3. Careful reading: Read Poem B & C and answer the following questions
Poem B & C I saw a fish-pond all on fire Our first football match I saw a house bow to a squire, I saw a person twelve-feet high, I saw a cottage in the sky, I saw a balloon made of lead, I saw a coffin drop down dead, I saw two sparrows run a race, I saw two horses making lace, I saw a girl just like a cat, I saw a kitten wear a hat, I saw a man who saw these too, And said though strange they all were true. Our first football match We would have won… If Jack had scored that goal, If we’d had just a few more minutes, if we had trained harder, if Ben had passed the ball to Joe, If we’d had thousands of fans screaming, If I hadn’t taken my eye off the ball, If we hadn’t stay up so late the night before, If we hadn’t take it easy, if we hadn’t run out of our energy, If we’d been better!
Poem C How many excuses did the players make to explain why they failed? Six B. Seven C. Eight D. Nine
What is the poem B about? What is the poem C about? Poem B is an amusing nonsense poem which describes images of some ridiculous things What is the poem C about? Poem C is about losing a football match and the writer lists a lots of excuses for their failure
List poems(清单诗) A list poem is a list of things. It can have as many lines as the writer likes. Sometimes they have repetition in them and sometimes they have words that rhyme. When a list poem has rhyming words, it also has a regular rhythm.
List poems: the features of the two poems a list of things Can have as many lines as the writer likes Not always have rhyming words
Teasing, shouting, laughing Drying, drooping, dreading Cinquain Poem D Brother Beautiful, athletic Teasing, shouting, laughing Friend and enemy too Mine Poem E Summer Sleepy, salty Drying, drooping, dreading Week in, week out Endless
Read Poem D & E Poem D: Poem E: What subject is the speaker writing about? Poem D: Brother,a description of a lovely brother Poem E: Summer,a description of hot and boring summer
Cinquain poems(五行诗) A cinquain is made up of five lines and has the following structure: Line 1: a noun that names the subject of the poem Line 2: two adjectives that describe the subject Line 3: three verbs ending with –ing that describe the subject’s actions Line 4: four words that give the writer’s opinions or feelings about the subject Line 5: a word that gives another name for the subject
the features of the two poems Cinquain poems (five lines) Brother -----a noun Beautiful, athletic -----2 adjectives Teasing, shouting , laughing -----3 verbs Friend and enemy too -----4 words mine -----a word
Haiku poems Poem F Is coming back to the branch. Look, a butterfly! A fallen blossom Is coming back to the branch. Look, a butterfly! Poem G Show having melted, The whole village is brimful Of happy children.
What is the poem F about? What is the poem G about? Poem F describes how a butterfly rests on a tree. What is the poem G about? Poem G describes that the weather is warmer and the village is full of happy children
Haiku poems(俳句诗) The haiku is a centuries-old form of Japanese poetry. It is made up 17 syllables and has the following structure: Line 1: 5 syllables Line 2: 7 syllables Line 3: 5 syllables A haiku poem comes from Japan.Though it is non traditional English poetry, the English people are popular with it.
the features of Poem F & G Haiku poems (17 syllables, imagery) A fallen blossom -----5 syllables Is coming back to the branch -----7 syllables Look, a butterfly -----5 syllables
Enjoy poems Discuss Poem H in pairs
Poem H A.蝶恋花 B.竹枝词 C.望夫石 D.一剪梅 1.What’s the title ? Where she awaits her husband On and on the river flows Never looking back Transformed into stone Day by day upon the mountain top Wind and rain revolve. Should the journeyer return, This stone would utter speech. -----by Wang jian A.蝶恋花 B.竹枝词 C.望夫石 D.一剪梅
望夫石 望夫处,江悠悠. 化为石,不回头. 山头日日风复雨, 行人归来石应语. Poem H is a translation of a Tang poem, which describes a woman who waited for her beloved husband to come back from a journey.
How many feelings of the woman can we learn from Poem H ? A. loneliness B. joy C. love D. trust E. anger F. hate G. sorrow
1. A woman’s husband has gone away 1. A woman’s husband has gone away. The woman waits for him by the river where she last saw him. She waits and waits, never moving from that spot and never speaking, while the river continues to flow and the wind and rain come and go.
2. The woman has the feelings of: Loneliness: she was alone watching her husband on the mountain top. Love: she waited year after year despite wind and rain. Trust: she believed her husband would come back one day.
Sorrow: year after year, she waited and waited without seeing any hope of her husband’s coming back, she was very sad.
Step IV Post-reading 1. What is the main topic of the reading passage? Some simple forms of English poems.
2. How many kinds of poems are mentioned in the text? What are they?
Tang poems Haiku 俳句诗 Five kinds of poems Nursery rhymes Cinquain 唐诗 童谣 Cinquain 五行诗 List poems 清单诗
3. Which two poems have a strong rhythm 3. Which two poems have a strong rhythm? Which two poems have rhyming lines? poem A and B
Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks. Forms of Poems Characteristics _________ Have strong _________ __________ Have a lot of repetition Easy to learn and to _______ rhythm and rhyme Nursery rhymes recite
_________ Easy to write Repeat _______ and some rhyme while other do not Cinquain Made up of ________ Conveys a _________ picture in just a few words phrases List poems five lines strong
Haiku A Japanese form of poetry Made up of ___________ Easy to write Gives a _____ picture Creates a special feeling in just a few words Tang Poems The ___________ have a free form. 17 syllables clear translations
3. Can you write a simple English poem?Please try it. Step V Homework 1. Which kind of poems do you like best? 2. Why is it your favorite? 3. Can you write a simple English poem?Please try it.
Thank you!