Ergonomics and Work station design Module 16
The interrelationship between people and their workplace Ergonomics The interrelationship between people and their workplace Designing: Equipment Work stations Day-to-day tasks To reduce operator error, accidents and ill health
Ergonomics Considers: The job and demands upon the operator Equipment being used Information used during the task Working environment Social environment Individual
Ergonomics Possible injuries caused by poor task and work station design: Work-related upper limb disorder (WRULD) Musculoskeletal disorders Visual fatigue Stress
Display screen equipment Risk Assessment of: Equipment Job design Environment User
Workstations A A B B C I D E E F F G G H C H D I 350-600mm (700 max) Eyes cast down at angle of 15° to 20° approx B B C Fully adjustable seating I D Stable base E E Wrist supports F F G Approximately 90° G Thigh clearance H C H Footrest if required D I Document holder
Display screen equipment ! All the control measures to prevent injury and ill health are dependent upon the user and adequate supervision Employees must follow procedures Report problems to employer.