For Beginning Teachers How to plan a good lesson For Beginning Teachers
Elements of Lesson Design Madeline Hunter meets Direct Explicit Instruction and Gradual Release of Responsibility Elements of Lesson Design
State your Common Core Objective Have your objective up as an “I can…” statement Tell the students the goal or objective of the lesson Don’t forget to ask them at the conclusion to tell you how they met the goal!
Purpose: Is it understood? Is it challenging? Stay on task! Remember what your purpose it.
Anticipatory Set Introduce, model, question Draw on their prior knowledge Motivate the students to want to learn Peak their curiosity Get Excited! Student performance and engagement may provide diagnostic data for the teacher.
Presentation Engage the students in the lesson “Chunk” lessons into easy to understand minilessons Think about vocabulary. Make sure it’s understandable for their level.
Model- Think aloud- See the thinking in action, rather than being told
Check for understanding Monitor continuously Are the students meeting the objective adjust-don’t be afraid to change your plans, even during an observation reteach and revisit when needed Ask for a thumbs up, at their chests. Show me on a score of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest, how much you feel you understand. Walk around with a clipboard. Check off understanding-no test needed!
Practice Highly Structured Guided Make sure the practice is very supervised! Keep the students on the right track. Remember, “I do, We do, You do” Model, have a few try in front of class and then do the activity in groups or independently.
Closure Cue the students that the lesson is ending Review the key points with the students Students should be able to tell you the lesson and the skill learned Closure can be at the end of each part of the lesson Closure can help students organize and notice their progress and learning. Have students use an exit slip or share with a neighbor their learning. Older students can write what they learned on an exit ticket.
Independent Practice Alone or in a group Reinforce the lesson
What went well? What is your next step? Make notes for yourself to remember what went well. Be prepared to have the next step ready. It can be another day or the same day. References: g
References San Diego County Office of Educations: The Madeline Hunter Model of Mastery Learning. Personal experience of 16 years teaching and being evaluated.