Date Topic Description Self Compassion Managing Stress Gratitude Friday 11th Jan Self Compassion How self-compassion and empathy can contribute to wellbeing. Friday 18th Jan Managing Stress Understanding the effects of stress, how to recognise stress and tools to help manage stress Friday 25th Jan Gratitude Understanding the concepts and long term benefits in practising gratitude Friday 1st Feb Think Feel Act Using tools to challenge unhelpful thoughts and increase resilience Friday 8th Feb Self-Care The importance of self-care by discussing lifestyle factors that serve as protective factors and increase wellbeing Friday 15th Feb Supportive Conversations Using tools to help approach tough conversations with work colleagues and family 22nd Feb Mindfulness Highlights the psychological benefits of being present and having an awareness of your emotions. Offers practical tools to practice mindfulness 1st Mar Shame and Guilt Understanding the difference between shame and guilt and how to build resilience by managing unhelpful thinking. 8th Mar Belonging Provides a practical and scientific understanding of the negative effects of loneliness, and the importance of connection for wellbeing. 15th Mar Managing stress 22nd Mar Grief Identifying what to expect in grief and how to support others through these times 29th Mar 5th April
Date Topic Description Positive Psychology Easter Friday Friday 12th April Positive Psychology Looking at what components contribute to resiliency and bouncing back from adversity Friday 19th April Easter Friday No Friday Feature Friday 26th April Managing Stress Understanding the effects of stress, how to recognise stress and tools to help manage stress Friday 3rd May Anger Understanding individual anger triggers while providing strategies toward managing anger in a constructive way. Friday 10th May Self-Care The importance of self-care by discussing lifestyle factors that serve as protective factors and increase wellbeing. Friday 17th May Gratitude Using tools to challenge unhelpful thoughts and increase resilience 24th May Think Feel Act 31st May Suicidality Recognising the signs and symptoms of suicidal ideation and understanding how to initiate the conversation with someone who may be suicidal 7th June Belonging Provides a practical and scientific understanding of the negative effects of loneliness, and the importance of connection for wellbeing 14th June Supportive Conversations Using tools to help approach tough conversations with work colleagues and family 21st June 28th June 5th July Identifying what to expect in grief and how to support others through these times
Date Topic Description Think Feel Act Mindfulness Anger Friday 12th July Think Feel Act Using tools to challenge unhelpful thoughts and increase resilience Friday 19h July Mindfulness Highlights the psychological benefits of being present and having an awareness of your emotions. Offers practical tools to practice mindfulness Friday 26th July Anger Understanding individual anger triggers while providing strategies toward managing anger in a constructive way. Friday 2nd Aug Self Compassion How self-compassion and empathy can contribute to wellbeing. Friday 9th Aug Managing Stress Understanding the effects of stress, how to recognise stress and tools to help manage stress Friday 16th Aug Positive Psychology Looking at what components contribute to resiliency and bouncing back from adversity 23rd Aug Supportive Conversations Using tools to help approach tough conversations with work colleagues and family 30th Aug Belonging Provides a practical and scientific understanding of the negative effects of loneliness, and the importance of connection for wellbeing. 6th Sept Suicidality Recognising the signs and symptoms of suicidal ideation and understanding how to initiate the conversation with someone who may be suicidal. 13th Sept Self-Care The importance of self-care by discussing lifestyle factors that serve as protective factors and increase wellbeing. 20th Sept 27th Sept 4th Oct
Date Topic Description Belonging Self-Care Managing Stress Grief Friday 11th Oct Belonging Provides a practical and scientific understanding of the negative effects of loneliness, and the importance of connection for wellbeing. Friday 18th Oct Self-Care The importance of self-care by discussing lifestyle factors that serve as protective factors and increase wellbeing. Friday 25th Oct Managing Stress Understanding the effects of stress, how to recognise stress and tools to help manage stress Friday 1st Nov Grief Identifying what to expect in grief and how to support others through these times Friday 8th Nov Gratitude Understanding the concepts and long term benefits in practising gratitude Friday 15th Nov Mindfulness Using tools to challenge unhelpful thoughts and increase resilience 22nd Nov Self Compassion How self-compassion and empathy can contribute to wellbeing. 29th Nov Shame and Guilt Understanding the difference between shame and guilt and how to build resilience by managing unhelpful thinking. 6th Dec Supportive Conversations Using tools to help approach tough conversations with work colleagues and family 13th Dec Think Feel Act 20th Dec 27th Dec No Friday Feature