French Trip 2019
School Trips don’t get better than this! Le Château du Tertre School Trips don’t get better than this!
School Trips don’t get better than this! Where is it? School Trips don’t get better than this!
Château de Grande Romaine
School Trips don’t get better than this! What’s it like? School Trips don’t get better than this!
School Trips don’t get better than this! Where do I sleep? School Trips don’t get better than this!
In one of the accommodation blocks… School Trips don’t get better than this!
School Trips don’t get better than this! In an ensuite bunk room School Trips don’t get better than this!
School Trips don’t get better than this! And where do I eat? School Trips don’t get better than this!
Is it all frogs legs and snails? School Trips don’t get better than this!
No!!!! Only if you want to!
School Trips don’t get better than this! What will we do all day? School Trips don’t get better than this!
Have fun mostly!
School Trips don’t get better than this! A bit of this… School Trips don’t get better than this!
Making croissants!
Goat cheese farm
School Trips don’t get better than this! A bit of that… School Trips don’t get better than this!
A French Crêperie
A French Market
And a chok-a-blok day of this… School Trips don’t get better than this!
Arromanches 360̊ cinema
Staffing Mrs Walsh Mrs Rejaei Ms O’Neill Mr Kernan Miss Smith (TA) Documentation School staff will retain all passports, EHIC cards, and emergency contact details for the duration of the trip.
Arrive at college for 1 am Coach departs at 1.15 am Departure from College on Friday 24th May (JUST!) Students need to be dropped off. The coach will be parked outside the main entrance to the college in the bus bay. Coach company: Lee’s coaches Arrive at college for 1 am Coach departs at 1.15 am • Students put their main bag in the hold. • Students take their hand luggage, warm jumper and pillow onto the coach. Make sure they have plenty of drinks and some food. • Students will be registered. Please remember that travel sickness pills need to be taken about 30 minutes before we set off, and any medication required on the journey needs to be in the hand luggage and given to a member of school staff.
Arrival back at college on Monday 27th May Students need to be collected. The coach will be parked outside the main entrance to the college in the bus bay. Coach is due to arrive back at college at 11.30pm Before getting off the coach and going home, students need to: • Tidy the coach • Collect all belongings
Friday 24th May Dinner and Evening Activities Saturday 25th May Préparez à manger – shopping for a lunch preparation competition Goat Cheese Farm visit Boulangerie visit Dinner at Crêperie Sunday 26th May Arromanches 360̊ cinema Bayeux Tapestry Musée de debarquement Campfire and packing Monday 27th May Hypermarket visit en route to the Tunnel
Behaviour, Safety and personal belongings The school priority is for every student to really enjoy the trip whilst remaining safe. Students are representing All Saints Catholic College and we expect the same high standards throughout the trip as we do at school. Unacceptable behaviour may result in a student missing out on activities, being banned from further school trips, or in the case of a serious incident a student may be sent home. This will be at the cost of the parent/ carer not at PGL Travel Ltd., the Insurance Company or the college. Students must follow requests of school staff, PGL staff and the coach driver. On excursions, student must stay in groups of at least 3 in case of an emergency. On excursions, students must be at meeting points at the requested time. Valuables like mobiles are the responsibility of the student, not PGL Travel Ltd. or the college. Mobile phone use abroad can be VERY expensive. The college is not responsible for any mobile phone charges incurred by students. We do not recommend the use of a mobile abroad. The college fully supports the codes of conduct set out below.
Code of conduct on the coach Students must be sat down with lap belt fastened. No chewing gum is allowed on the coach. Students must follow instructions given by the driver. Students must be polite to the driver at all times. The coach must be kept litter free.
Code of conduct on Centre Students must not enter accommodation occupied by other groups or areas marked private. Be considerate to other guests. Respect centre rules. Treat accommodation, coaches and equipment with due care and attention. Students must not behave in a way that places themselves or anybody else at risk. Alcohol is not allowed to be purchased or consumed. Smoking is not permitted by students even if they are 16. Any unlawful activity will be reported to the relevant authority. PGL Travel Ltd. reserves the right to send any student home for persistent or gross misconduct. In such a case, parents/carers will be charged.
Kit List Coach One pillow for the journey Food and drink Warm jumper/ sweatshirt Long trousers Top Socks Your money
Pocket Money Needed for extra drinks, treats, gifts and a meal on the return journey. Recommended: 10 British pounds (for drinks/snacks en route and dinner on the return journey) 20 pounds worth of Euros (The Post Office is very good)
Thank you for coming this evening Thank you for coming this evening! Please hand in any passports or EHIC cards as soon as possible. Please ensure all medical records and contact details are up to date.