Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Topic(s): Nouns Week of: 3/4-3/8 Objectives: The students will understand and use nouns. TEKS: 16(A) ii Essential Question(s): How do we know if a word is a noun? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan Teacher and students will create a class anchor chart of nouns. Students will do a Noun Search around the elementary campus. Students will recognize and highlight nouns in a reading passage. Students will sort nouns by Proper Nouns or not-Proper nouns. Students illustrate an assigned noun on manila paper. The class creates a Class Noun Book. Vocab Noun Proper Noun questions HOT -When does a noun need to be capitalized? Assessment Strategy Students use their knowledge of nouns to brainstorm a noun list. Students create a list of nouns sorted by person, place, thing. Students highlight nouns in a reading passage. Proper Noun Sorting page. Class Noun Book