Member & Team Appreciation Presented by: Sarah DeBodt, D5 Secretary @ FLC Vanderhoof, BC Oct 12-14, 2018
Let’s talk appreciation! Why is it important to show & receive appreciation? How do you show appreciation for your club and/or team members? How does your Club show appreciation for each other?
Words of Affirmation Words, both oral and written can affirm and show appreciation to those around us. Card, letter or email; Verbal thank you or job well done; Phone call; Private VS Public
Receiving Gifts Take time to notice what your club/team member’s hobbies and/or interests are. A small gift connected to this can show your appreciation and that you are taking time to get to know them.
Remember there is no I in team! Acts of Service Assist a club or team member get something done such as an upcoming task or helping with a project. Offering assistance when you notice it’s needed can go a long way to show you appreciate them as part of your team. Remember there is no I in team!
Quality Time People enjoy spending different types of time together – hanging out, camp outs, working together on a project or someone to listen when they need an ear! LC Kin Campout 2016
Physical Touch Usually a spontaneous act/show of appreciation or job well done! High-Five; Hug; Pat on the back; Handshake.
Things to think about…. Know your members and/or team! Make it genuine; Public VS Private; Make it personal; Not everyone shows and receives appreciation in the same way!