OBJECTIVES STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO: Understand what each of the five senses do. Distinguish between the five different senses Recognize when one of their fives senses is being used. Name the five senses and the body part used for each of them. Create a senses mask
I FEEL THE WORLD AROUND ME KEY COMPETENCIES DESCRIPTORS LINGUISTIC COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE ORAL PRODUCTION They can say the name of the five senses . They can express what they use their five senses for. They can name the organs used for each sense. They can reproduce “What do you use your five senses for?” song. They can reproduce the “Brown bear, what do you see “ story by Bill Martin. They can reproduce the “Polar bear, what do you hear “ story by Bill Martin. They can give personal opinions about how different items smell , feel, hear or taste to them (visit to the market” They can say how a cloud looks like to them. They can express the different textures, flavours, noises and smells. ORAL COMPREHENSION They can understand They can understand the aim of the stories . They can follow the lyrics of the songs. They can identify the actions and connect them to the the organ. They can discriminate sounds and recognize different rhyming words . They can follow instructions to do the activities.
KEY COMPETENCIES ORAL INTERACTION WRITTEN PRODUCTION WRITTEN RECEPTION LINGUISTIC COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE ORAL INTERACTION They can keep a conversation about the five senses and their use. They can ask and answer questions related to the stories used. They can ask and give information about how different things smell, feel, taste, etc. to them. They can create stories after being given a pattern. WRITTEN PRODUCTION They can write the stories heard in the class. they can write a report about the five senses. They can create a story following the pattern of the “Brown bear, brown bear” They can write what they see, smell, feel, hear and taste at the market. and report their personal perceptions. WRITTEN RECEPTION They can read all the power point presentations used for the five senses. They can read the five senses song, “Brown bear, brown bear” and “Polar bear, polar bear” stories. They can read instructions to do different activities. WRITTEN INTERACTION They can create a story following the pattern of the “Brown bear, brown bear” in pairs.
KEY COMPETENCIES DESCRIPTORS MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCE ITC COMPETENCE They can recognize the order the animals appear in the story ( ordinal numbers) They can use their mathematical reasoning skills to answer to different questions about the story. They can retell the story mentioning the even and uneven animals. ITC COMPETENCE They can search for clip art s about the five senses on internet, download them, copy and paste them in a document. They can use on-line games and activities. They can produce a word document report about the five senses as a final task. AUTONOMY AND PERSONAL INITIATIVE COMPETENCE They can express their personal opinions about how they feel, smell, taste, see and hear different things. They can make their five senses masks using their own imagination and creativity. They become more self-confident sharing their work with the others.
KEY COMPETENCIES DESCRIPTORS LEARNING TO LEARN SOCIAL AND CITIZENSHIP COMPETENCE They can collaborate in displays made by the group. They can understand the importance of each one of the five senses to feel the world around them . They can experience losing the ability of seeing or hearing through activities and become more conscious and respectful to people who suffer from these disabilities. They can show respect to other points of view and class room presentations. LEARNING TO LEARN They can memorize songs, texts and simple stories related to the five senses. They are more aware of their own creative capacity . They can self-asses through their own reports about the topic.
KNOWLEDGE AND INTERACTION WITH THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT COMPETENCE KEY COMPETENCIES DESCRIPTORS KNOWLEDGE AND INTERACTION WITH THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT COMPETENCE They can learn where to buy food items (visit to the market) They can understand how the five senses help us to experience the world. They can experience what they feel at the market through their five senses. They can distinguish in which part of the tongue they taste the different flavours. CULTURAL AWARENESS AND EXPRESSION COMPETENCE They can create their own five senses masks. They can use different artistic techniques to create a set of crafts, murals, drawings, mini books…related to the topic. They can participate in a role play about the topic. They can perform songs, chants and rhymes. They can create their own tongue taste buds characters.