Welcome from the Director Jonathan Dorfan, Director LCLS Lehman Review February 7, 2006
Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC The Next Revolution in X-Ray Science Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC LCLS will be the World’s First X-ray Laser – Phenomenal Science
Action Items From Last Review Completed Resolve all comments and issue the Request for Proposal for Construction Manager/General Contractor activities CM/GC hired and actively planning construction start The Laboratory Director will conduct an assessment and report to the Director, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, the necessary resource commitments from SLAC to ensure the readiness of the project to proceed with construction as a primary element of SLAC Memo submitted June 23. Reviewed with Pat Dehmer July 15th. All promises fulfilled Key Elements include: Role of Lab Management; Safety; Communication of Project Status to SLAC Management; Resource Management; Streamlined Processes. Commissioning and Accelerator Readiness Group under David Schultz meets regularly Project Management Oversight Group (PMOG) with Lowell Klaisner as Chair is working very effectively Memo Summary “Finally, I want to reiterate my personal commitment to the success of the LCLS. I will ensure that SLAC resources will be appropriately aligned to meet the needs and challenges of the LCLS construction project” Conduct the next DOE Review ― Welcome
LCLS Is SLAC’s Highest Priority Activity Daily meeting of Jonathan, Keith, John G, Mark and Hanley Provides daily support and coordination from the Director and Deputy Director for Photon Science Daily meeting of Directors (Jonathan, Keith, John G, John C, Persis) Provides forum to discuss issues that affect LCLS. Daily coordination and appropriate adjustment of priorities to facilitate LCLS Project Steve Williams (from my office) is assigned to coordinate the Laboratory’s non-LCLS activities so as to minimize interferences and maximize site-wide safety. Works with LCLS and the major stakeholders in the Lab Active participation by Communications Director Neil Calder Has performed outreach with neighbors Hiring a fulltime staff person for LCLS communication – engage full lab. in excitement of LCLS Designing Dashboard to post progress LUSI: Chief Engineer on board. Contiguous space for full project staff assigned
New Laboratory Organization Implemented May 2005
Reorganization First step successfully completed. Laboratory is operating well under new Directorate structure Business Improvement & Transition Team making good progress Have developed a plan for Coordinating Accelerator R&D Have Task Force on Gun Development Setting up a Task Force on Scientific Computing Next round of organizational changes will be finalized at a Directorate Retreat scheduled for April 4, 2006 In December, I conducted “lessons learned” interviews with each of the Directors Some adjustments have been made as a result Others are under discussion/development in preparation for the Retreat Major items for discussion at Retreat are: Future of LCLS Directorate post 2009: planning for Upgrades Evolution plan for the current Linac-PEP-II Operations group BES review anticipated this Summer Evolution plan for LCLS Project sub-groups to move either to central services (Operations Directorate) or to Science (Photon Science Directorate)
BITT: Business Improvement & Transition Team Charge: …review SLAC business systems and make recommendations to laboratory management regarding improvements that will benefit SLAC during the period of transition and beyond. Please seek ways to streamline the way we do business, while retaining clear lines of responsibility and accountability. July 15, 2005 Team: Dave Dungan (PSD), Chair, Chris Foundoulis (COO), Stephanie Carlson (SSRL) Wendy Sisson (LCLS),Charlotte Chang (PPA) , Bob Strohecker (BSD), Mimi Chang (CFO),Frank Topper (BSD) Team is Functioning Very Well: Accomplishments With community, identified and prioritized 40 topical areas Explored national labs and institutions Developed guiding principles: Operate as one laboratory Central services aligned to program Support functions, processes and systems operate effectively Solutions are feasible & administratively simple Long list of ongoing studies. Adopted as completed
Major ES&H Activities from last 16 months: ISEMS Nothing is More Important to SLAC’s Sustainability than Strong ES&H Performance Major ES&H Activities from last 16 months: ISEMS Stand-downs following the10/11/2004 incident Developed wide-ranging safety enhancements: Safety First philosophy Re-start plans for six major facilities Re-start validations of all Major re-write of ESH Manual. New Chapter (42) for Construction Safety DOE-led Type A Accident Investigation President Hennessy’s Blue Ribbon Panel Director’s Integrated Safety Management (ISM) Review Director’s Red Team Review DOE ISMS Review, DOE EMS Review First meeting of standing ESH Advisory Committee report to SPC These reviews have each generated detailed corrective action plans. To date, the Laboratory has met all its CAP due dates At the same time we have been closing out our findings from the OSHA audit; will be complete this April At this point, you should explain that meeting EMS requirements by the end of the calendar year will be challenging. An EMS is required by Executive Order and by DOE Order.
FY2005 TRC and DART Rate Goals Translate Easily into Numbers of Cases SLAC FY 2005 TRC Cases SLAC FY 2005 DART Cases 30 45 40 25 28 39 35 36 20 30 32 FY05 Goal 20 20 25 28 TRC Goal = 1.1 15 FY05 Goal # of cases # of cases 16 20 10 15 10 5 8 10 5 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 SLAC: 6 TRCs and 3 DARTs this fiscal year LCLS: 171 Days worked without Injuries (02/07/2006) SubContractors: 14 K Hours worked to date --- Zero Injuries
MMF Safety Walk-through
LCLS Is Ready for CD-3b Design is complete 100% drawings received from Jacobs Engineering (JE). Reviewed and returned to JE yesterday Construction Manager on board: Turner Construction Extensive Partnering sessions with JE, SLAC and DOE Sub contract bid sequence prepared Mobilization this May. FFTB removal scheduled for April 10 Cost and Schedule scrubbed Turner Schedule within project’s baseline estimate Extensive reconciliation discussions and meetings held between JE and Turner on cost. Turner’s first estimate is a solid confirmation of JE’s in-depth 60% estimate Adequate contingency plan in hand to cover surprises Safety planning in place
Does this portend a Pot of LCLS Gold? The sector 20 Safety Walk-through Does this portend a Pot of LCLS Gold?