Aphotic Zone (Deep Pelagic) Below 1000m (3280 ft) Explored < 1%
Pressure At 1000 m is 100X greater than sea level pressure Surface organisms would be crushed
After nearly 5,000 m down
Adaptations Fluid is almost incompressible Fluid in animals’ bodies match surrounding water
Dive 1000m, over an hour Lungs collapse flat
Cold 1 - 2 C (34-37 F) Body temp close to water Metabolism slow Reproduce less and later Live longer
Food is Scarce 5% of food produced in the euphotic zone No migrators Need to conserve energy…How?
Be Blobby
“Blobby” Flabby, watery flesh Weak skeletons No scales No swim bladder Sit and float
Be small Many angler fish are 10 cm or less! Largest is 1m (3 ft) and 9 kg (20 lb.)
Eat anything!
Huge Mouths and expandable stomachs Swallower Eel
Use vibrations to find food Hairy angler has sensitive antennae Use lateral line to sense vibrations
Go fishing! Dragonfish Anglerfish
It’s Dark! Small eyes Black, red color Bioluminescence: --To attract prey or find mate --Not for counterlighting
Sex in the Dark 1) Use Bioluminescence to ID species 2) Be a hermaphrodite 3) Release chemicals to find mate
Sex in the Dark 4) Attach yourself to your mate! Males Goal: Search for female Have muscular bodies, large eyes, and organ to “smell”
Sex in the Dark Male bites female and they become fused Male provides sperm to female
World’s Smallest Fish Male, sexually mature is 6.2 mm (less than a ¼ inch) Female is 46 mm (1.8 inches)
Disphotic Zone (Mesopelagic) 150 m depth Not enough light for photosynthesis 10-20% food from surface is available
Size and Shape Small 10 to 15 cm Long flattened body
Lantern fish
Large eyes Hatchetfish Light sensitive for dim light Winteria Look up at surface and spot silhouettes of prey Two fields of vision
Mouths Large, hinged extendible jaws Needle-like teeth Eat anything
Sabertooth Viperfish Only a couple of inches long
Color Black, or black with silver sides Counterillumination/counterlighting
Other things besides fish may be transparent
Bioluminescence Photophores for camouflage Attract prey Attract mates Defense
Migrators vs. Nonmigrators Swim up to surface to eat at night Well-developed muscles and bone Swim bladder Sit and wait Less muscle,flabby No swim bladder Weak bones
Lantern fish Migrators Largest migration of life on earth 1700 m to 100 m (3 hour trip) Create a false bottom on sonar
Deep-Sea Floor rabbit fish and tripod fish
Deep sea fish Rat tail fish and hagfish
Deep sea fish Cruise the bottom Fecal pellets and the occasional whale for food Larger, long bodies, strong muscles, small eyes Not much bioluminescence Dark brown, black
Hydrothermal Vents
Mid-Ocean Ridge System Oceanic plates are pulling apart
Hydrothermal Vents At mid-ocean ridges Seawater seeps through cracks Gets super heated Forced back up through crust
Black Smokers Warm 50-68 degrees F Hot! 662 degrees F Heated water dissolves minerals When it cools, minerals deposit around vents
Hydrogen sulfide 1. Energy-rich molecule 2. Toxic to most organisms
Bacteria - Chemosynthesis Basis of food chain Use hydrogen sulfide for energy
Bacteria as producers 1. Live inside animals Symbiotic Bacteria get hydrogen sulfide, animals get food
Pompeii worm
Pompeii Worm
Tube Worm
Up to 2 m tall Riftia tube worm
Bacteria as producers 2. Filter feeders (mussels, clams) 3. Eaten directly (shrimp scrape bacteria off chimneys)
Mussels (filter feed) and eel
Vents don’t last Organisms get “cooked” 20 - 75 years Organisms get very large
Cold Seeps
Cold Seeps At continental margins Hydrogen sulfide and methane for chemosynthesis Grow slower, old and stable
Cold Seeps
Whale carcasses Decomposing - hydrogen sulfide Supports chemosynthetic bacteria Link to vents?? One about every 25 Km
Worms at whale carcass No eyes No mouth, stomach Green “roots” grow into bone and digest fat and oils with the help of bacteria
Worms at whale carcass Females, 2-7 cm with large egg sac Microscopic male worms living inside the females Eggs/larvae float until they find another whale Related to tube worms at hydrothermal vents
Whale bone with worms Females, 2-7 cm with large egg sac Microscopic male worms living inside the females Eggs/larvae float until they find another whale Related to tube worms at hydrothermal vents