Tapping the Potential of Accessible OERs: Examining the Job-Driven, Workforce-Related SkillsCommons Library Prepared for: TechAccessOK 2019 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma June 7, 2019 Copyright. Of Course Management and Design, LLC
Welcome and Introductions. Presenters: Leslie Melvin and Catherine Kovacs. Of Course Management and Design, LLC. Session: PowerPoint Presentation. Discussions/Q&A. Handouts. SkillsCommons.org Website Tour.
Open Educational Resources: Overview. Teaching and Learning Material You May Freely Use. Electronic/digital resources in multimedia formats. Typical Contributors: educational institutions, libraries, government agencies, publishers, and faculty. Typical Users: instructors, trainers, students, employees, self-directed learners. Includes a wide range of instructional materials. Licenses advise how material can be used, reused, adapted, and shared.
Open Educational Resources: Overview. (2) PROS: CONS: Free. Convenient. Inexpensive for Users (when compared to cost of textbooks). Purposeful: Valuable as supplements or enhancements to existing course materials. Quality/Source/Point-of-View Concerns. Copyright/Licensing Issues. Timeliness/Sustainability. Conversion/Modification Considerations. Search Time and Effort.
Open Educational Resources: Overview. (3) The Search is On! By Course: Khan Academy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) OpenCourseWare, Lumen Learning. By Open Textbooks: OpenStax, Project Gutenberg. By Repositories: OER Commons, MERLOT, Creative Commons Search, SkillsCommons. And More!
Open Educational Resources: SkillsCommons.org. SkillsCommons is a free and open online library containing free and open learning materials and program support materials for job-driven workforce development. Source: SkillsCommons.org
SkillsCommons.org: From Resources to Results. U.S. Department of Labor Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Program. Key Grant Application Requirement: “All online and technology-enabled content and courses developed under this [Solicitation for Grant Application] SGA must incorporate the principles of universal design … in order to ensure that they are readily accessible to qualified individuals with disabilities. The content and courses must be in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA…” Source: TAACCCT Round 3 SGA, page 31.
SkillsCommons.org: From Resources to Results. (2) BY THE NUMBERS - NATIONWIDE: Source: US Department of Labor TAACCCT Program Summary Page. $1.93 billion: Investment by the US Department of Labor. 256: Number of Grants Awarded. $13,479,457: Distribution of TAACCCT Funding to Oklahoma Colleges. 729: Community Colleges that Contributed OERs. 50,000: Curriculum and Program Files Created by Grantees. 800,000: Downloads. (December 2015 to February 2018.)
SkillsCommons.org: From Resources to Results. (3) Source: US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration TAACCCT State Profiles Page.
SkillsCommons.org: From Resources to Results. (4) While there are multiple repositories of Open Educational Resources, SkillsCommons is the world’s largest OER project featuring job-driven workforce development materials. Source: US Department of Labor TAACCCT Open Educational Resources Fact Sheet.
SkillsCommons.org: A Closer Look. Developed in Partnership with Local Industries. Skills-Focused. Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts. Compliance with Accessibility Standards. Search/Browse by: Grant Projects, Material Type, Credential Type, Institution, Industry, Occupation.
SkillsCommons.org: Site Tour.
SkillsCommons.org: Report Card. Scope of Project. Guidance and Technical Assistance. Quality Assurance of Learning Resource Materials. Accessibility of Learning Resource Materials. Value/Sustainability of Site and Materials.
Thank You for Attending Thank You for Attending! Tapping the Potential of Accessible OERs: Examining the Job-Driven, Workforce-Related SkillsCommons Library Presented by: Of Course Management and Design, LLC TechAccessOK 2019 June 7, 2019 Copyright. Of Course Management and Design, LLC