CMS Resources Review Board CERN-RRB-2019-031 15 April 2019 Updates to Financial Report
CMS Upgrade Phase-2 CF CERN-RRB-2019-031 Statement of Accounts as of 31 December 2018 Revenues and Expenses kCHF Balance 1 January 2018 326 Contributions 4,242 Expenses - 1,957 Balance 31 December 2018 2,611 Outstanding Commitments -1 Outstanding Contributions 20,614 CERN Finance and Administrative Processes Department
CERN Finance and Administrative Processes Department CMS Upgrade Phase-2 CF Additional Contributions as of 12 April 2019 CERN-RRB-2019-031 CHF Contributions 2019 BELGIUM - FWO 110,000 COLOMBIA 72,464 CYPRUS 25,362 FRANCE - CEA 307,971 FRANCE - IN2P3 150,000 GERMANY - BMBF 122,341 KOREA, REP. OF 50,000 NEW ZEALAND 10,000 SERBIA SPAIN 16,498 SWITZERLAND 166,970 TAIPEI 135,000 UNITED KINGDOM 417,609 Total 1,594,215 CERN Finance and Administrative Processes Department
CERN Finance and Administrative Processes Department CMS Upgrade Phase-2 CF Expected and outstanding Contributions as of 12 April 2019 CERN-RRB-2019-031 Balance 2019 Balance 12 Apr. 2019 CHF 1 Jan. 2019 Received Outstanding AUSTRIA -326 087 BELGIUM - FWO -416 667 110 000 -306 667 BRAZIL -380 435 BULGARIA -181 159 CHINA -253 623 CROATIA -144 928 CYPRUS -101 450 25 362 -76 088 ECUADOR -36 232 EGYPT -54 348 FINLAND -235 507 FRANCE - IN2P3 -923 913 150 000 -773 913 GERMANY - BMBF -1 093 148 122 341 -970 807 GREECE INDIA -597 826 IRAN IRELAND ITALY -3 007 246 JINR -434 783 KOREA, REP. OF -561 594 50 000 -511 594 LATVIA MALAYSIA -90 580 MEXICO -199 275 NEW ZEALAND 10 000 -26 232 PAKISTAN POLAND -271 739 PORTUGAL -108 696 RUSSIA -803 711 SERBIA -44 348 SPAIN -778 986 16 498 -762 488 TAIPEI -223 004 135 000 -88 004 THAILAND TURKEY -217 391 USA - DOE -5 960 145 USA - NSF -1 376 812 USA - OTHER OTHER FUNDING AGENCIES -964 478 965 014 536 Total -20 613 330 1 594 215 -19 019 115 CERN Finance and Administrative Processes Department
CMS Maintenance & Operation Cat. A CERN-RRB-2019-031 Statement of Accounts as of 31 December 2018 Revenues and Expenses kCHF Balance 1 January 2018 427 Contributions 13,975 Expenses - 13,332 Balance 31 December 2018 1,070 Outstanding Commitments -463 Outstanding Contributions 719 Deferred online hardware equipment 3,794 Transfer from M&O A funds -516 3,278 CERN Finance and Administrative Processes Department
CERN Finance and Administrative Processes Department CMS Maintenance & Operation Cat. A Additional Contributions as of 12 April 2019 CERN-RRB-2019-031 CHF Contributions 2019 BELGIUM - FNRS 219,151 BELGIUM - FWO 129,498 CERN 757,067 CHINA 11,189 COLOMBIA 22,378 CYPRUS 69,730 FINLAND 119,537 GERMANY - BMBF 140,706 GERMANY - Helmholtz 178,341 HUNGARY 99,614 INDIA 378,534 IRELAND 11,188 ITALY 654,075 JINR 410,342 LITHUANIA 29,884 MALAYSIA 30,236 MONTENEGRO NEW ZEALAND POLAND SERBIA 39,846 SWITZERLAND 328,726 USA - DOE 3,243,386 USA - NSF 888,599 USA - OTHER 72,353 Total 7,987,483 CERN Finance and Administrative Processes Department
CERN Finance and Administrative Processes Department CMS Maintenance & Operation Cat. A Expected and outstanding Contributions as of 12 April 2019 CERN-RRB-2019-031 Balance 1 Jan. 2019 2019 Balance 12 Apr. 2019 CHF Outstanding Paid in advance Received Expected AUSTRIA 139 460 -139 460 BELGIUM - FWO 129 498 169 344 -39 846 BRAZIL 1 313 287 -313 286 BULGARIA 89 653 -89 653 CHINA 11 189 223 777 -212 588 CROATIA -100 787 111 888 -212 675 ECUADOR -19 737 22 378 -42 115 EGYPT -22 378 ESTONIA 55 944 -55 944 FRANCE - IN2P3 418 379 -418 379 GREECE 149 421 -149 421 IRAN -263 287 44 756 -308 043 ITALY 328 171 654 075 1 862 784 -880 538 KOREA, REP. OF -45 942 335 665 -381 607 LATVIA 11 188 -11 188 MALAYSIA -30 236 30 236 -44 756 MEXICO 134 266 -134 266 PAKISTAN 29 884 -29 884 PORTUGAL -70 922 79 691 -150 613 RUSSIA 696 005 -696 005 SPAIN 102 397 -102 397 * SRI LANKA TAIPEI 33 574 123 078 -89 504 THAILAND 2 33 566 -33 564 TURKEY -17 730 -167 151 UNITED KINGDOM 637 530 -637 530 USA - DOE 3 243 386 3 532 181 -288 795 USA - OTHER -29 032 72 353 66 644 -23 322 OTHER FUNDING AGENCIES -141 810 826 515 3 846 746 4 531 451 Total -719 483 1 290 660 7 885 087 14 491 910 -6 035 646 CERN Finance and Administrative Processes Department