European Association of Thermology Promoting the science of temperature measurement in medicine and biology across Europe Kevin Howell PhD MIPEM CSci ASIS FRPS Institute of Immunity and Transplantation, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK President, European Association of Thermology
About us The EAT supports and promotes the science of temperature measurement in medicine and biology across Europe through a programme of scientific congresses, educational courses and via our journal, Thermology International
to encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences between national thermological associations. to assist in improving scientific research in the area of thermology and related disciplines in basic research, technology, industry, medicine and biology. to improve the respective understanding between practitioners of thermological techniques. to disseminate scientific results in the area of thermology within Europe. to create and expand contacts with non-European associations of thermology. to organise a European Congress of Thermology every 3 years. Our key objectives
Thermology International The official journal of the European Association of Thermology is Thermology International The journal is published online four times per year, and is available free of charge to current EAT members. Alternatively, non-members can subscribe for an annual charge of €75
Education The European Association of Thermology has education as one of its key aims. To that end, we offer the EAT "Short Course in Medical Thermography," taught by an experienced faculty of thermology researchers. The Course normally takes place every three years, along with the Congress of the EAT, at a European venue.
Meetings EAT members contribute to thermological congresses and symposia Our main EAT Congress takes place every three years at a venue in Europe XV EAT Congress: 2021
Meet the Board Manages the business of the EAT Elected by Ordinary and Honorary Members at the General Assembly every three years Kevin Howell – President Anna Jung – Vice-President Kurt Ammer – Treasurer Ricardo Vardasca – Secretary Manuel Sillero-Quintana Adérito Seixas
Our website News in thermology Events diary Link to Thermology International Board information Photo gallery Membership information Statutes Contact us via email and Twitter Optimised for desktop, tablet and mobile
Ordinary membership for European citizens holding an academic qualification Membership €50 per year Includes a subscription to Thermology International Reduced registration fee at EAT Congress Join us!
E-mail: Contact us Web: E-mail: @eurothermology