Understanding the use of psychotropic medication in the therapeutic process
Importance of maintaining knowledge of medications Historically, mental health professionals merely referred patients for medication Today, these same individuals are involved in many more medication related tasks
Recommend that a physician prescribe drugs to a patient Monitor medicated client’s progress with medication Persuade clients to follow prescribed drug regiments Facilitate client’s understanding of drug effects Assist clients to stop taking a medication
Case managers May count and sort medication Bring medications to a client’s home and watch while they are taken Drive clients to medication related appointments
Limited information regarding medication is taught in school Most knowledge gained is through the work environment and outside educational venues
The psychiatric medication history: AN INTERVIEW SCHEDULE ASSIST CLIENTS IN managing their medications and interpreting its effects Integration of medication therapy and other treatment modalities
Performing a psychiatric medication history can assist the clinician in understanding the experience of the client Assist clients in conscious decisions to integrate or exclude medications from their lives Assist clients in making informed decisions of either course of action
Source The psychiatric Medication History: Context, Purpose, and Method David Cohen, 2003. The Haworth press