Email: Our Fourth Grade Classroom News The Week of December 17, 2018 Email: Twitter: @BethGress1 Website: Upcoming Events Reminders Dec 21 Class Holiday Party 11:00- 11:50 Student may be checked out after Holiday party. Dec 24- Jan 4 Winter Break (No School) Jan 7 Professional Learning Day (No school) RELAY FOR LIFE – Poster Contest “Spotlight on a Cure” Entries due Tuesday, December 18th. Candy Canes for a Cure 50 cents. Orders due by December 18th. Don’t forget to send in Holiday Party Donations. Thank you Reminders Our Learning Reading/ELA – Review Text Structure (chronology, cause/effect, problem/solution, comparison) Writing – Informational Writing Math – Review Division Area, and Perimeter Social Studies – Abolitionist and Suffrage Goal Setting: Reading focused – ask your student what their plan is for showing mastery of standard RI5 ELAGSERI5: Describe the overall structure (comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text. Field Trip Reminders Final Field Trip payment was Dec. 1st. Please send in payments or pay online through School bucks.