Views of Mafia and Shoah Lesson Plan 4 HUMAN RIGHTS Views of Mafia and Shoah We didn’t mean to compare Shoah to Mafia, we just wanted to find analogies in the violation of Human Rights, respecting the unique tragic features of Shoah.
Two American soldiers conducting an investigation of Leipzig-Thekla, a sub-camp of Buchenwald, make notes while examining a corpse lying near a barbed wire fence. -''Leipzig-Thekla, Germany, Apr 19, 1945 - May 1945 Franco Zecchin. A member of a Sicilian family murdered by Mafia. Palermo, November 15, 1983.
The bodies of victims in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp Letizia Battaglia. Palermo, a murder by Mafia.
Massimo Sestini, Capaci massacre, Palermo, 1992
Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, 1945. Via D’Amelio massacre, Palermo, 1992
Letizia Battaglia is a photographer who has been dedicating all her life to show pictures of Mafia and its crimes. On the left. Schifani’s wife during her husband funeral. Schifani was one of Falcone’s bodyguards who died with him in Capaci massacre. On the right. A boy playing the game of Mafia.