Fig. 3 Identification of ECM-embedded MBVs. Identification of ECM-embedded MBVs. (A) TEM imaging of MBVs identified in a UBM sheet stained positive with osmium (left panel), pepsin-treated UBM (middle panel), or proteinase K–treated UBM (right panel). (B) TEM imaging of MBVs identified in proteinase K–treated ECM from three commercial and three laboratory-produced scaffolds. Scale bars, 100 nm. (C) Validation of MBV size was measured with NanoSight. (D) Western blot analysis was performed on four exosomal surface markers: CD63, CD81, CD9, and Hsp70. Expression levels were not detectable as compared to porcine serum, human serum, and human bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cell controls. (E) MBV protein cargo signature was different between MBVs and hMSCs as evaluated using SDS-PAGE and silver stain imaging. Luai Huleihel et al. Sci Adv 2016;2:e1600502 Published by AAAS