What is Moving Forward Together Moving Forward Together is a Vision to transform healthcare and social care services It describes new ways of working that provide safe, effective, person centred care to: Deliver improvements in care and outcomes for all patients service users and carers by: Maximising available resources Making best use of innovation and technology The Blueprint for change was approved by NHSGGC Health Board and noted by the six Integration Joint Boards Sets a strategic direction of travel for the next 3 to 5 years and beyond to meet future needs of the whole population It is aligned with Scottish Government strategy and plans Additional notes / talking points: For the first time we are taking an integrated whole system approach - we are not planning what happens in hospitals and hoping it aligns with community Blueprint was developed by looking at available evidence, local expertise and learning - it draws heavily on what we know works well so its not all new - however what we want to do is take good practice and provide this consistently for the whole population of Greater Glasgow and Clyde Important to point out that what it provides is a set of principles to guide how we will deliver health and social care services – the detail of this will be developed in partnership with people
What this means Our current models of care are facing a number of challenges The current ‘fix and treat’ approach to healthcare doesn't focus on prevention, self-management and reablement Increasing reliance on hospital care is simply not in the best interests of people The increasing demand will simply not be met unless we change how services are accessed and used Additional notes / talking points: NHS recently turned 70 and one of it’s founding aims was to be a health improving organisation – however we have become known more for providing treatment and care when people are unwell Hospital is the worst place for most people to be – particularly the elderly where admission for long periods can lead to loss of independence and over-treatment – we need to ensure people are only in hospital when they need to be Doing nothing is not an option, even if we had unlimited funds there is a lack of expertise available with shortages in some specialist staff groups – worsened if we try to try to provide more of the same – we know this is not the right thing to do for the reasons just mentioned There is a limited budget to spend on health and social care, and we need to use our resources to provide services that are realistic, affordable and sustainable
What will it look like? e-Health Tiered models of care working across the whole system to: Maximise Primary, Community and Virtual Care Opportunities Align with West of Scotland Regional Plans Optimise our Hospital Based Services e-Health Additional notes / talking points: The reverse to how we have planned in the past - model would see the vast majority of services provided in the community and focussed on safely keeping people out of hospital Some services historically provided in a hospital would move to community setting – stop dragging people up to hospitals for routine tests and clinics and results Some specialist services might be provided in people’s homes with outreach from the hospital to manage some conditions e.g. COPD / Geriatric medicine eHealth and how we use information and technology is central to this – we need to give those who need it including patients and carers access to the right information to better support decisions Earlier mentioned the lack of certain specialists – this is why for some services we need to plan and provide them for the West of Scotland and sometimes for the whole nation e.g. Cancer / Spinal Injuries We have sense checked our early concepts via a Stakeholder Reference Group – none of the detail has been decided and we will work with people to understand what matters most to them We need to work with people on concepts to hear what matters most to them to develop more detailed plans
It’s not just services that need to change... To help reduce pressure on the system people need to access the right care, in the right place at right time? To do this we need to: Support people to access and use services differently Improve knowledge of and trust in new models and alternatives Promote greater self care and health improvement with the community networks to support this Work collaboratively with the Third Sector, community planning partners and importantly people Additional notes / talking points: Throughout this we have talked about what we – health and social care want to change – however absolutely recognise the need to involve people Not only to ensure that we deliver services to meet people’s needs – we need challenge historical views, expectations and behaviours e.g. Doctor knows best Doing nothing is not an option and even if we could we know that providing more of the same is not the best thing to do We need people to get involved and work with us to shape the future of health and social care services What does this mean for our services delivering care for people with Diabetes?