SADC PROTOCOL@WORK SUMMITS AND AWARDS INSTITUTIONAL COE Template 2019 INSTITUTIONAL COE Template (country, council, date and presenter) Please use your background photos to make your presentation unique. Quotes and any other visuals make your presentation more engaging! . “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
“Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .” OVERVIEW COUNTRY COUNCIL GENDER CHAMPION GENDER FOCAL PERSON Latest score (year) Women Men Total % Women Council Management Council staff overall Population served Key characteristics “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
I. GENDER POLICY AND ACTION PLAN Is there a gender policy and action plan that incorporates the Post 2015 SADC Gender Protocol, SDGs and other relevant targets? It is well known and has a high profile champion within the council.? Photo of the Gender Policy “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
“Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .” II. GOVERNANCE Detail Evidence What is the percentage of women’s representation? What positions do women occupy in the council? In what way do women/ youth/ PWD participate in council consultations and decision-making. Photos or video of women leaders. “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
III. WORK PLACE POLICY AND PRACTICE How gender sensitive is the work place? Provide examples. Evidence – Include photos and articles as evidence here. “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
IV. LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Market places designed and % of stands allocated to women, men, PWD and youth on an equal opportunity basis. Existence of entrepreneurship finance schemes linked to council that benefit women, men, people living with disability, and youth. Number of arrangements made by council with external sources of finance to promote access to finance for local entrepreneurs, especially women, PWD and the youth Evidence of women, PWD and youth access to LED opportunities. % of LED spend that goes towards the empowerment of women and other disadvantaged groups. Include photos, videos and articles or newspaper clippings here. “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
V. CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Examples of women, PWD, and youth are equally involved in projects that prevent climate change such as waste management, sustainable energy and recycling and benefit from economic opportunities arising from this. List the types of projects and include phots/videos of current projects. “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
VI. INFRASTRUCTURE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Land and housing Sex disaggregated data of land allocations for council & community beneficiaries. Water and sanitation Are there committees? Types of water and sanitation projects. How gender responsive are these. Evidence – photos/videos of projects and impact “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
VII. SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, HIV AND AIDS How does the council promote SRHR. Do women, men, people living with disability, and youth have equal access to treatment. Evidence – photos/videos of projects and imp “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
“Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .” VIII. ENDING VIOLENCE List key actions council has taken towards: Prevention Public awareness Response and coordination Support and empowerment Include evidence here “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
IX. COMMUNICATIONS, CAMPAIGNS AND VISIBILITY Show photos and video clippings of campaigns by the council to promote gender equality. “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
X. GENDER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Photo Gender structures Gender focal persons Gender processes Gender in Monitoring and Evaluation “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
“Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .” RESOURCE ALLOCATIONS 2018 2019 Resources allocated for the processes around gender mainstreaming a e Resources to promote employment equity b f Resources allocated for gender specific programming c g Resources allocated to gender responsive mainstream activities d h TOTAL GRB $ A =(a+b+c+d) A =(e+f+g+h) TOTAL Council BUDGET $ B % GRB/overall budget A/B% “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
“Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .” CHALLENGES What have been the main challenges? How have these been overcome? “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
LESSON LEARNED AND INNOVATION What lessons have been learned in the COE process? How are these being applied? “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”
SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICATION How can the COE work be sustained within your organisation? How can the COE work be cascaded to other Councils? How can your Council contribute to the cascading process? “Voice and Choice! Empower Women, End Violence .”