12th – 13th November GRANADA http://oncothon.ptsgranada.com/ ONCOTHON
What is Oncothon? Meeting organized by PTS in the framework of the ONCONET SUDOE European project 20 Institutions from the SUDOE space to analyze and compare professional practices and public health policies regarding cancer prevention and diagnosis, therapeutic innovation and medical data processing Meeting with a hackathon format in which professionals from different areas (mainly Bioinformatics and Biomedical Research) work together during two days to know and explore the potential of cancer genomics data and the possibilities of the “cancer interception” concept
Topics http://oncothon.ptsgranada.com/
Challenges CANCER INTERCEPTION To propose a strategy for developing diagnostic test and associated surrogate endpoints that would serve to: Identify those individuals with premalignancies who are most likely to progress. Accurately measure the clinical response of those individuals with high cancer risk, who will receive treatment
Challenges BIG DATA & CANCER GENOMICS To propose ideas and solutions about challenging questions in the context of cancer genomics data analysis Integrating Different Omics for Biomarker Discovery Defining Gene Signature for Disease Progression or Survival Drug Discovery and Personalized Treatments Characterization of Cancer Driver Genes and Mutation Discovering Tumor Subtypes from Genomics Data (Integrative Clustering)
How was it organized? Keynote talks Speakers to propose questions, limitations of current methods, etc. in “workshop” sessions in both topics Team Work Propose solutions, ideas, proof of concept or prototypes Five minutes presentation Two 3,000 € awards in each topic
ONCOTHON Keynote talks 10 minutes talks Software demos, ideas that participants can use Worked with the the teams, guiding and mentoring
ONCOTHON 91 participants 6 Teams in Big Data & Cancer Genomics 4 Teams in Cancer Interception