Scavenger Hunt
We are going to start our search around the school.
Instructions: We are going out of the classroom in our groups. You will be taking pictures with your phones, of the different types of noun. (As person, places and things)
After we go around the school, taking the pictures, in order, walking, and talking in your groups, we will come back to the classroom and start working on your PPT.
You will organize the slides, with the pictures and information about each noun.
For example: Proper Noun: used to name specific or individual, person place or thing. They begin with capital letter. Mrs. Franceschi is our English teacher. Proper Noun Common Noun
Lets review our nouns:
Concrete Nouns
Concrete Nouns Abstract Nouns pothole plagiarist teacher bomb cat ice cream diploma dog airplane bubble bath Abstract Nouns annoyance cheating dedication destruction curiosity happiness intelligence loyalty trust relaxation