Akito Takahashi President AGM2006 ISCMNS Akito Takahashi President
Status of Society Gradually growing, but yet Baby Weak Financial Base Not Many Members Strongest Sponsor for ICCF Conferences Preparing E-Journal Own Web Site Linkage to related activities Registered Charity
Stronger Financial Source More members Institutional or Corporate members Donations Sell what? Operation of International meetings (ICCF, ASTI, …..) E-Journal and Data-Base Archive
Operation of ICCF Meetings “From Sponsor to Organizer” needs enough fund and staff Cooperation with LOC (Local Organizing Committee); LOC is principal managing body until when ISCMNS becomes strong. Out-come (Data Base; papers) from ICCF should be archived in ISCMNS (web-site), as well as ASTI series and other meetings.
E-Journal Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science to be main publication place for CMNS/CF researchers Stronger Editorial Board (Biberian, Ed-C) Realize the 1st Issue, ASAP Quick and efficient reviewing, editing and uploading process (2 issues annually?) Page charge for publication?
Richer ISCMNS Web-Site News editing staff (volunteers) Archive management (librarians) Linkage to E-Journal Linkage to related sites Mail news to ISCMNS members (volunteers)
Efforts Needed Finance stronger Increase members Invite corporate members (donations) Start E-Journal Strategic establishment of own Archive Collaboration with related groups and/or personal activities