Continuous Blood Gas Monitor Christopher Troiano DPM Fall 2012 Continuous Blood Gas Monitor
Project Motivation Participated in an 8-week clinical observation at Strong Memorial Hospital to determine and assess clinical needs for the department of vascular surgery. Two needs were made abundantly clear: The desire for a continuous blood gas monitor. The need to remove clutter from operating and patient rooms. The intent of this project is to design a device that will satisfy both surgical needs.
What is a Blood Gas Monitor? A blood gas monitor is device that measures key parameters of arterial blood, including but not limited to: pH Oxygen Tension (partial pressure of O2) Carbon Dioxide Tension (partial pressure of CO2) Bicarbonate Levels Potassium Levels While there have been developments for a continuous blood gas monitor as recent as 2011, it is currently used only for bypass surgery.
Functional Decomposition Regulate Energy Pump Blood Past Sensors Return Blood to Body Power Sensors Power Memory Blood Heat Memory Information Computer 120V AC Power USB Port Power Pump Obtain Digital Data from Sensors Store Data in Memory Pass Data Through USB Interpret Data Display Data
Customer Needs # Importance Description CN1 2 Output data on a computer monitor; no paper printouts. CN2 3 Device is portable. CN3 Data is stored on device. CN4 Easy to use. CN5 1 Easy to set up/take down. CN6 Easy to learn how to use. CN7 Costs < $500 CN8 Comfortable for patients. CN9 Safe to use on patients. CN10 Data updated at least once per minute. CN11 Runs on AC Power. CN12 Data is stored on an internal hard drive. CN13 Operates for Entirety of ICU Visit/Operation Time CN14 Can be re-steralized using hospital’s sterilization procedures. CN15 Provides accurate results. CN16 Blood withdrawal does not endanger patient. CN17 Can integrate with any modern computer.
Potential Solution: IV Line Withdrawal Patients in the ICU have an IV line inserted in their artery to measure arterial pressure. Device can integrate with this line and pump blood through sensors before returning the blood to the body or disposing of it. The data from the sensors is transmitted to and displayed on the attached computer.
Staffing 1 Mechanical Engineer 1 Electrical Engineer Design, Model, and Manufacture Blood Pump Perform impact stress analyses on device chassis for accidental drop. 1 Electrical Engineer Determine power requirements for each component. Transform AC wall outlet current to appropriate DC current.
Staffing - Continued 2 Computer Engineers Design means to transfer data from sensors to internal memory and computer. Design interactive software that will interpret and display data from the sensors.
Budget Primary Costs: Total: $615 pH Sensor: $80 Partial Oxygen Sensor: $400* Pump Motor: $20 Memory Card: $15 Electrical and Mechanical Materials: $100 Total: $615 *Cost is for a new sensor. Used would be substantially cheaper.
Review Scope Budget Feasibility Reduced to analyzing 2 blood parameters. Sensors readily available. Technical requirements do not exceed undergraduate level. Budget Assuming the price of the oxygen sensor can be reduced, the project is within budget. Feasibility Device is a recreation of similar devices available on the market. Customer requirements are not too restrictive.