Friday, April 17th Announcements: Holocaust Holocaust Vids Battles?
World History Notes: WWII Due April 27th Date Title Points Description of historical content Type of work 1) 3-27 10 Questions for Horst Christian /10 Guest Speaker in library 2) 3-30 WWII Intro Chapter 14, Section 1 Craig lecture and chapter notes 3) 3-31-4-1 WWII Movie Notes Notes on Movie with sub 4) 4-2 WWII Intro Lecture Lecture Part 1 5) WWII The Beginning Lecture Part 2 6) 4-14 Handout: WWII Timeline Lecture and fill out timeline 7) 4-15 Handout: Rise of Hitler: Mein Kampf /15 Handout…read in class, answer questions as homework 8) 4-16 WWII Holocaust Lecture and discussion 9) 4-17 Holocaust Movie Clips 10) 4-20 11) 4-21
By 1939, Only 250,000 Jews Remained in Germany HITLER’S FINAL SOLUTION In 1939 only about 250,000 Jews remained in Germany But other nations that Hitler occupied had millions more Obsessed with his desire to “rid Europe of Jews,” Hitler imposed what he called the Final Solution By 1939, Only 250,000 Jews Remained in Germany HITLER’S FINAL SOLUTION
The Death Toll
JEWISH GHETTOS IN POLAND Factories of Forced Labor Jews were also ordered into dismal, overcrowded ghettos in various Polish cities Factories were built alongside the ghettos where people were forced to work for German industry Many of these Jews were then transferred to concentration camps (labor camps) deep within Poland Concentration Camps Deep inside Poland
Eliminate ANYONE who was an “Enemy of the STATE” THE FINAL SOLUTION Systematic killing of an entire population Mission of the Third Reich: PURIFY and Provide Lebenstraum The Final Solution – a policy of genocide that involved the deliberate and systematic killing of an entire population – rested on the belief that Aryans were superior people and that the purity of the “Master Race” must be preserved Hitler condemned to death and slavery not only Jews but other groups that he viewed as inferior, unworthy or as “enemies of the state” This list included Gypsies, Slavs, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Africans, Chinese, homosexuals, handicapped, mentally ill and mentally deficient Eliminate ANYONE who was an “Enemy of the STATE” “Create” a Master Race Hitler was responsible for the murder of more than half of the world’s Jewish population
Third Reich Mission: Purify Master Race Cleanse the planet of Jews, Gypsies, Africans, Chinese, Homosexuals, Jehovah Witnesses, mentally ill, or handicapped
Concentration Camps Death Camps
Nazi Genocidal Policies Total Deaths from Nazi Genocidal Policies Group Deaths European Jews 6,250,000 Soviet prisoners of war 3,000,000 Polish Catholics 3,000,000 Serbians 700,000 Germans (resistance) 80,000 Germans (handicapped) 70,000 Homosexuals 12,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses 2,500 Total Deaths from Nazi Genocidal Policies
THE FINAL STAGE Genocide: Primarily in 6 Death Camps in Poland Dachau, gas chamber Hitler’s program of genocide against Jews took place primarily in 6 Nazi death camps located in Poland The final stage began in early 1942 The Germans used poison gas to more quickly exterminate the Jewish population Each camp had huge gas chambers that could kill as many as 12,000 per day Poisoned Gas used to EXTERMINATE Murdered 12,000 Per Day
Friday, April 17th Announcements: Holocaust Holocaust Vids Battles?
Auschwitz Extermination Camp “Work Makes One Free” Auschwitz Extermination Camp