STATE SYMBOLS A. Petrushenko
WORDS anthem – “гимн” arms – “герб” stripe – “полоса” sacrifice – “жертвенность” liberty – “свобода” shield – “щит” charge – “наполнение” wreath – “венок” cereals – “злаки” flax – “лён” clover – “клевер” ribbon – “лента”
At present The Republic of Belarus is a sovereign, independent state with its own government, constitution, state emblems, flag and anthem.
has two horizontal red and green stripes. Besides there’s an ornament. The FLAG has two horizontal red and green stripes. Besides there’s an ornament. WHITE RED is a symbol of our land stands for sacrifice and liberty of the people symbolizes nature GREEN
THE ANTHEM is the official patriotic song of the nation
THE ARMS presents a shield with a charge
a red star is a sign of safety, courage and high intentions a wreath of cereals and flowers is a symbol of work, of creative connection with the nature a green contour of our country clover flax the sun with rays the Earth a ribbon with a sign “The Republic of Belarus”