Overview of slide-based artworks in Tate’s collection: a) Comparison between the year of acquisition and the year of origin Number of Artworks Years
Overview of slide-based artworks in Tate’s collection: b) by number of master slides per work The perimeter of chart represents the 22 slide-based artworks in Tate’s Collection
Overview of slide-based artworks in Tate’s collection: c) by numbers of channels and associated media format The perimeter of chart represents the 22 slide-based artworks in Tate’s Collection
Overview of slide-based artworks in Tate’s collection: d) by frequency of display
Overview of slide-based artworks in Tate’s collection: e) by age of artist
Overview of slide-based artworks in Tate’s collection: b) by number of master slides per work Number of artworks Number of slides per artwork