Technique Quiz Do your best!
Directions: For questions 1-12 choose the answer. 1. Examine the __________ carefully to form a mental picture of the layout. Options for fill in the blank Keyboard, desk, monitor
2. Keep your ______ on the copy. Options for fill in the blank Hands, finger, eyes
Options for fill in the blank fast, slow, firmly 3. Strike the keys _______ and _________ them quickly. Options for fill in the blank fast, slow, firmly release, press, slam
4. Place your _______ on the center of each key with the fingers slightly curved. Options for fill in the blank nose, fingers, toes
5. Do not look at your fingers while striking the keys 5. Do not look at your fingers while striking the keys. ________ on copy. Options for fill in the blank Hands, Fingers, Eyes
Options for fill in the blank feet, wrist, palms 6. Keep your________ straight, low and not touching the keyboard. Options for fill in the blank feet, wrist, palms
7. True or False…Sit with back straight. Directions: Write True or False on the Blank provided. 7. True or False…Sit with back straight.
8. True or False…Feet crossed in front.
9. True or False…Body to right of the computer.
10. True or False…Elbows are naturally by your side.
11. True or False…Fingers straight
12. True or False… Slow, accurate, strokes
13. True or False…Left pinky used for the enter key.
14. True or False… Home row keys are asfg
15. True or False… Home row keys are jkl;
16. True or False…Use both thumbs for spacebar.
17. True or False… Fingers are to be placed on home row keys with fingers curved.