Children & youth consultation For 8th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) --World Vision & Plan International--
Any INGO send someone to participate in? 8th AMCDRR Date & venue: 03 – 06 July 2018, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Theme: “Preventing disaster risk: Protecting Sustainable Development” Outcomes: Ulaanbaatar Declaration 2019-2020 Action Plan of the Asia Regional Plan for the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR (Key focus area: Target E – National and local DRR strategies) Volunteer commitments and Update by Stakeholders Full information about 8th AMCDRR: Any INGO send someone to participate in?
Children & Youth consultation for 8th AMCDRR C&Y consultation with age 10-24 (in country) Consolidated with various countries (at regional level) C&Y statement that linked to Children’s Charter Statement in AMCDRR National consultation (more than an organization) Provincial consultation (individual organization) School consultation Lead organization (World Vision at regional + WVV?) Co-lead organization (Plan VNM + ???) C&Y consultation for 7th AMCDRR: 1,722 C&Y from Indonesia, Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Fiji, and Philippines (6 countries)
Children & Youth consultation for 8th AMCDRR Step 1: Understanding DRR Step 2: Monitor the progress of Sendai Framework on DRR with C&Y Step 3: Understand the SFDRR indicators Step 4: Take a poll of C&Y willingness in helping to monitor the SFDRR indicators Step 5: Produce follow up tools to help students monitor SFDRR It is recommended to organize this national consultation in collaboration with other INGOs, UN agencies and Red Cross. If individual organization wants to do it as a separated consultation at the school level or embed with other children activities, it is up to their decisions. If there is more than one “lead” organization in a country, you can decide who can be the lead agency and the co-lead/support/sand conduct one national consultation together. Alternatively, each can do a separate national consultation
Children & Youth consultation for 8th AMCDRR Learn about the SFDRR targets and indicators C&Y’s willingness to monitor SFDRR. Showcase C&Y’s contribution and capacities on DRR Come up with a consolidated STATEMENT of the children and youth participants in the consultation. Influence their government to commit to support the inclusion of these calls in the Asia Regional Action plan for Implementation of the Sendai Framework and their implementation in the country 28 Mar Complete guidelines on Children consultation to share with all members 30 Mar Complete checking interest and confirmation from members at country level 1 Apr All members provide info (table above) to Meimei (WV) for coordination with WV at country level and start the coordination in countries. Apr-May Conduct/organise Children Consultation in countries. Complete before 15 June 2018 30 May Summary and documentation of Children Consultation results to bring to AMCDRR2018
Children & Youth consultation for 8th AMCDRR Summary Report of National Children and Youth Consultation Workshop C&Y delegation to 8th AMCDRR Will you join us? Guideline on C&Y consultation If any organization have budget to cover the cost. The process of selection C&Y delegation refers to guideline