Dismissal Procedures SCPA 2017-2018
At Dismissal Use the crosswalks in the parking lot and at the circle. In the Pick/Up and Drop Off area you will need to be patient. There will be a lot of traffic in this area. You may only go to your parent if they are past the crosswalk. Otherwise, wait patiently. Tell your parents, after they pick you up, that they are not allowed to leave their vehicles unattended while they are in the pick/up lanes. Once everyone is comfortable with the routine, it will go much quicker. Just be patient until that happens.
Only get into the vehicles that are past this crosswalk
Bus Riders: follow the yellow arrow out to your bus. Walkers/bikers: follow the Orange arrow to the sidewalk. Also, if you are crossing at the circle, be very cautious. Drivers are not used to pedestrians here.