We are SPPS 37,478 7,800 students Staff 58 schools HIGHER High Schools Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) is Minnesota’s largest urban school district 37,478 students (+Pre-K: 38,907) 58 schools PreK-5 schools: 31 Dual campus schools: 6 6-8 schools: 5 6-12 schools: 4 9-12 schools: 5 K-8 schools: 7 Asian American (31.5%) African American (30.3%) Caucasian American (22.5%) Latino American (13.9%) American Indian (1.82%) 1,100+ students enrolled since 2010 Students speak more than 100 language and dialects Approximately 34% of students are English Language Learners 16% of students require special education services 72% of students are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch than State at Most High Schools Graduation Rates HIGHER Annual operating budget: 7,800 Staff $694,400,000 Schools continue to see an increase in funding despite districtwide budget cuts · Largest urban district in state · Largest overall district if you count Pre-K · Largest employer in the City of Saint Paul
Building Strong Schools for a Strong Community Excellent PK-12 Programs with connected pathways Systems that Support a Premier Education Racial Equity Transformation Personalized Learning Ready for College and Career Strong Schools, Strong Communities 2.0 (Strategic Plan)
2014-15 Four Year Graduation Rates *Open World Learning Community and Creative Arts High School reported less than 20 graduates