Abigail Fluke, Shawnice Whitfield, Hannah Harrison LEED Certification Abigail Fluke, Shawnice Whitfield, Hannah Harrison
LEED- Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Rating system devised by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) to evaluate the environmental performance of a building and encourage market transformation towards sustainable design Obtaining a LEED certification projects a positive environmental image to the community Additionally, using many green building practices can result in energy and cost savings over the life of the structure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=tlVseOWToL4
Certifying Indoor Air Quality To contribute to the comfort and well-being of building occupants by establishing minimum standards for indoor air quality (IAQ). The certifications intent is to reduce indoor air quality problems resulting from off-gassing of construction materials while promoting the comfort and well-being of its occupants
How? A flush-out of the building using the HVAC system can be performed or baseline IAQ testing can be used to verify and document for future reference acceptable levels of certain contaminants within the building LEED certifications are awarded through the issuance of credits. Baseline IAQ sampling and chemical testing can be performed if a range of specific contaminant parameters are measured below prescribed levels
Parameters If all target levels are met, 1 point is given toward LEED certification LEED levels are LEED certified, LEED Silver, LEED Gold, LEED Platinum
Standards imposed for LEED IAQ Green Rater will provide on-site verification and review of supplemental documentation as specified in the LEED for Homes Verification and Submittal Guidelines. Require two minimum verification site visits, one at mid- construction, or pre-drywall, and a second at final construction. Any projects will require multiple site visits. A list of all mandatory performance testing is included on pages 3-5. It is the responsibility of the Project Team to coordinate site visits with the Green Rater and Energy Rater at the appropriate times during construction. Green Rater will assemble complete certification submittal and pass it to the QAD for their review. The QAD will then submit to GBCI for certificate review.
Benefits of LEEDs Certification Structural Incentives Density/height bonuses, expedited permitting process, etc. Financial Incentives Tax credits, fees reduced/waived, grants, etc. Marketing https://www.usgbc.org/articles/good-know-green-building-incentive-strategies-0
11 pending 6 certified 5 silver 2 gold 24 in total after construction https://www.uky.edu/sustainability/high-performance-buildings