Exercise 13 p Example 1 water: You drink x every day. How much water do you drink every day? I drink about 6 glasses of water every day. / I dont drink water. I only drink coffee and juice.
Exercise 13 p Example 2 page: There are x in this chapter. How many pages are there in this chapter? There are 32 pages in this chapter.
Exercise 13 p # 1 tea: You usually drink x every day. How much tea do you usually drink every day? I usually drink …. / I dont drink ….
Exercise 13 p # 2 word: There are x in the title of this book. How many words are there in the title of this book? There are 4 words in the title of this book.
Exercise 13 p # 3 money: A pencil costs X. How much money does a pencil cost? A pencil costs about ….
Exercise 13 p # 4 bone: There are x in the human body. How many bones are there in the human body? There are 206 bones in the human body.
Exercise 13 p # 5 tooth: The average person has x. How many teeth does the average person have? The average person has 32 teeth.
Exercise 13 p # 6 mail: You got x yesterday. How much mail did you get yesterday? I got some mail yesterday. / I didnt get any mail yesterday./ I got 2 letters and 1 bill ….
Change roles
Exercise 13 p # 7 sugar: You put x in your tea. How much sugar do you put in your tea? I put a teaspoon of sugar in my tea. / I dont put sugar in my tea./ I put 2 teaspoons of sugar ….
Exercise 13 p # 8 language: You can speak x. How many languages can you speak? I can speak 2 (3, 4 …) languages.
Exercise 13 p # 9 English: You had studied x before you started attending this class. How much English had you studied before you started attending this class? I had studied 1 year/2 years/ several years of English before attending this class ….
Exercise 13 p # 10 person: There were x on earth 2,000 years ago. How many people were there on earth 2,000 years ago? There were around 250 million people on earth 2,000 years ago.
Exercise 13 p # 11 human being: There are x in the world today. How many human beings are there in the world today? There are about 6 billion human beings in the world today.
Exercise 13 p # 12 butterfly: You can see x in one hour on a summer day in a flower garden. How many butterflies can you see in one hour on a summer day in a flower garden? I can see about 3 (4, 5, …) butterflies in one hour on a summer day in a flower garden.