Mining and Nuclear Engineering 226 McNutt Hall, Rolla, MO 65409-0450, Phone: 573-341-4753; Web: MNE STATISTICS INNOVATIONS IN MINING ENGINEERING Enrollment at 450 (7.6% growth over last year); 258 Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores; 96 Freshmen; 96 ME/MS/PHD $300K in endowed, industry & competitive scholarships for AY2010-11 100% placement for December 2010 grads with $64K starting salary; 85% placement for May 2011 grads with $60K starting salary Overall, > 90% of students involved in Department, Campus and External Extracurricular Activities THORIUM ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (TERI) A proposal for $1M/Yr for 5 years to establish TERI, a Missouri S&T – MU research consortium. TERI will be located at Missouri S&T near Pea Ridge Mine, Sullivan, MO, to carry out research and develop technology to use thorium as an energy source. NEW FACULTY 2010 RESEARCH NEWS JACKLING AWARD $430K funding for Department of Homeland Security Counter-terrorism research Dr. Richard Bullock Delivers The Jackling Address at the 2011 SME Meeting, Denver, CO Dr. Ayodeji Alajo joins MNE Feb. 2011 $1.7 M funding for CDC- NIOSH Mine Safety and Health Research GOVERNOR’S AWARD With Impact Tech for the $2.4 M DOE award for Slurry Jet in Enhanced Geothermal Energy DOE $180K funding for S&T-Lincoln Partnership Dr. Gary Mueller receives the 2010 MO Governor’s Award of Excellence in Education S&T Mining Engineering at the 2011 SME Conference in Denver, CO 2011 World Champions in Lady Mucking WIN at STL Sci. Ctr. – Engineer’s Week OTHERS: $1.75 M USNRC, USDOE, Research Board & Industry Funding for Faculty Development, Undergraduate Scholarships & other Research Initiatives